Brian Moynihan

Public Comments Needed to Stop Financial Industry Gun Control and Discrimination

The ATF's allegedly objective factors regarding pistol stabilizing braces isn't the only government proposal that's worthy of your attention. On the other side of the ledger, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency...
Joe Biden

Biden Knows He Can’t Push Gun Control Agenda Without Winning the Georgia Senate Runoffs

  By Larry Keane If there were any mistaking the significance of the final two U.S. Senate runoff elections in Georgia, it’s now crystal clear. President-elect Joe Biden knows it. He can't carry out his gun...

NSSF and Project ChildSafe Promote Gun Safety for the Holidays

9   Oh look! It's America's gun industry promoting gun safety. Yet again. With this being the holiday season, unlike the gun-grabbing scolds in the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex, the National Shooting Sports Foundation is reminding...
Joe Biden

The Second Amendment: When Government Tries to Ration our Rights

By Larry Keane President-elect Joe Biden had a rare moment of clarity when it comes to gun control. He’s got a really big obstacle, called the Constitution. The president-elect spoke with civil rights leaders in a...
Polymer80 Buy Build Shoot Kit

NSSF: Retailers Should Consult an Attorney Before Selling Polymer80 Buy Build Shoot Kits

From the National Shooting Sports Foundation: NSSF is aware that Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) executed a search warrant at Polymer80’s offices in Arizona and seized from Polymer80 one “Buy, Build, Shoot” kit...
Semiautomatic Pistol Packed gun gift

Giving a Gun as a Gift This Year? Here’s How to Do it Right...

If you're gifting a gun this year -- and yes, there are guns out there to buy and to give -- the NSSF has put together this helpful guide to help you do it...

Mossberg Contributes $75,000 to NSSF After SHOT Show 2021 Cancellation

The cancellation of the 2020 SHOT Show was a huge blow not only to the city of Las Vegas, but also to the gun business's trade association, the National Shooting Sports Foundation, which puts...

NSSF: November 2020 Gun Sales Jump 45.2 Percent, Almost 2 Million More Firearms Sold

Well that didn't take long. The National Shooting Sports Foundation has been busy crunching the FBI's NICS background check numbers for last month and they're already out with their estimate of how many gun...

A Q&A With Rep. John Katko, a Pro-Gun New York Congressman

From the NSSF . . . Who introduced you to hunting/the shooting sports and at what age? My father introduced me to hunting and the shooting sports at a very young age. He started by stressing...
Joe Biden

Gun Control Orgs Calling the Shots as the Biden Administration Prepares to Take Power

By Larry Keane Voters roundly rejected gun control groups and their anti-Second Amendment schemes on Election Day. That hasn’t stopped these groups from searching for alternatives to advance their antigun agenda. Now failed presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg’s...

NSSF Releases Most Recent Firearm Production Figures

The NSSF (the firearm industry trade organization) has just released its Firearm Production Report for 2020. Including manufacturing data from 2018 and 2019, the report breaks down how many of each type of firearm...
Man With Magnifying Glass

Groundbreaking Study Finds Lawful Gun Owners are Different Than Criminals

By Elizabeth McGuigan A recent study out of Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health relies on a flawed model to assert that more restrictive gun control laws yield lower homicide rates in the states with the...