Amy Coney Barrett

The Gun Industry Cheers Trump’s Nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the US...

From the NSSF: NSSF®, the trade association for the firearm industry, tonight expressed its strong support for President Donald Trump’s nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh...
Gavin Newsom

Gov. Newsom to House Minority Leader: Don’t Like California’s Ammo Laws? Don’t Shop Here

By Matt Manda U.S. House of Representatives Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) grew up in a hunting and shooting sports family. It was not uncommon to go on dove hunts before high school football practice....
Beto Biden

New Gun Owners Need to Consider What Life Under a President Biden Would Look...

By Elizabeth McGuigan A recent survey in Texas suggested that new gun owners are more likely to support former Vice President Joe Biden than President Donald Trump in this year’s election. There is little evidence to support this, particularly...

New York City’s Answer to Skyrocketing Violent Crime: More Gun ‘Buybacks’

By Larry Keane New York City has a violent crime problem and accidental Mayor Bill de Blasio is shuffling deck chairs in attempts to address it. After proposing to cut $1 billion from New York City’s law enforcement budget...
SCOTUS supreme court ginsburg

Elections Have Consequences: SCOTUS Fight Reinforces the Importance of #GUNVOTE

By Larry Keane November’s elections now promise to set the direction for all three branches of government and voters concerned about protecting Second Amendment rights have much more at stake. The news of Justice Ruth Bader...
portland riots molotov mostly peacefulportland riots

Why Do Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns Continue to Embrace Extremist Violence?

By Larry Keane Sorry, Mayors Against Illegal Guns. We didn’t know you were still here. Mea culpa. It’s just that no one has heard from this Bloomberg-created and funded group in, well…years. Imagine the surprise when...
Self defense gun firearm training

Misdirection: Blaming ‘Gun Violence’ for a Loss of Public Trust

By Elizabeth McGuigan A recent article published on The Conversation draws a correlation between the psychological impact of so called “gun violence” on Americans and reduced trust. Victims of violent crime can, understandably so, be psychologically affected...
Biden Bloomberg florida 2020 race

Billionaire Michael Bloomberg Says He’ll Spend $100 Million to Buy Florida for Joe Biden

By Larry Keane Billionaire gun control crusader Michael Bloomberg must have done some fall house cleaning and discovered spare change between the sofa cushions. The failed 2020 Democratic presidential candidate announced he will spend an extra $100...
pheasant hunting hunter

Hunting Surge: COVID-19 Isn’t Keeping Hunters Out of the Field This Fall

By Larry Keane Autumn hunting seasons are fast approaching and if early numbers on hunting license sales are any indication, the coronavirus pandemic isn’t keeping America’s outdoorsmen and women from planning to visit their camps,...

Hornady Contributes $500,000 to NSSF’s November #GUNVOTE Push

From the NSSF: NSSF®, the trade association for the firearm industry, is pleased to announce that Hornady Manufacturing, a leading ammunition manufacturer, contributed $500,000 to NSSF’s #GUNVOTE® voter registration and education campaign. This contribution matches the largest single...

SIG SAUER is the Latest Gun Maker to Support #GUNVOTE Campaign With $250,000 Contribution

From the NSSF: NSSF®, the trade association for the firearm industry, is pleased to announce that firearm, ammunition, optic and suppressor manufacturer SIG SAUER contributed $250,000 to NSSF’s #GUNVOTE® voter registration and education campaign. NSSF’s #GUNVOTE voter registration, education...
August 2020 NICS background checks

Americans Buying Every Gun They Can: August Adjusted NICS Background Check Up 51%

Surprise! Americans still want every single firearm that gun makers can possibly turn out. But if you've been anywhere near a gun retailer in the last few months, you probably knew that already. The FBI...