violent crime chart statista

Another Misleading Study On Gun Ownership And Violence Chases Its Own Questionable Tail

By Elizabeth McGuigan A new study seeks to connect gun ownership levels and concealed carry laws with mass shootings and other firearm homicides. The author, Emma E. Fridel of Florida State University, attempts to compare the impact...

Atlanta Mayor Bottoms Brings Gun Control Cred to Shannon Watts’ Veepstakes

By Larry Keane Atlanta Democratic Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms soared to the national spotlight following her speech to her city’s rioters and looters to “Stay home!” earlier this year. Democrats took notice and she’s on...
New York City Gun Buyback

Bill de Blasio’s Big ‘End Gun Violence’ Buyback Plan is Doomed to Failure

By Larry Keane New York City’s accidental Mayor, Bill de Blasio, has made some deliberately bad decisions in his attempts to curb the Big Apple’s recent surge in criminal violence. New York City is seeing the...
NSSF Firearms Sales Survey

NSSF: 2020 Gun Sales Up 95%, Ammunition Sales Up 139% Over 2019 First Half...

By Jim Curcuruto Firearm and ammunition retailers have been busy -- really busy -- during the first six months of 2020. And they are not just selling to what many thought to be the traditional...
Black Women Guns

2020 Gun Sales Surge Making America’s Already Diverse Gun Owner Population Even More So

By Larry Keane Throw out the stereotypes on American gun ownership. They’re just wrong. Against the backdrop of historically high firearm sales, one major theme is shattering misconceptions that America’s gun owners are “old white men.” A surge...
Moms Demand Action

Bloomberg’s Moms Demand Action: No Cops and No Guns

By Larry Keane Head Mom Shannon Watts has a new demand. When America is done giving up their guns, she wants police to go next. Shannon Watts, head of the Michael Bloomberg-funded Moms Demand Action, told Fortune magazine...
giffords brady covid PPP money

Brady And Giffords Grab More Than Guns, They’re Grabbing Taxpayer Dollars, Too

By Larry Keane Gun control activists are lining their pockets with taxpayer-funded coronavirus economic relief while at the same time paying millions to antigun candidates who would crush the Second Amendment rights of American citizens. The...

Study: Americans’ ‘Excess Purchases’ of Guns Mean They Clearly Have Excess Freedom

By Elizabeth McGuigan Amazingly, a new “study” is making headlines, despite the fact that it relies on obviously faulty assumptions, irrational methodology and has not been peer-reviewed. The authors cite themselves as support for spurious statements...
Steve Scalise, R-La

Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise’s Long and Strong Support for Gun Rights

By Matt Manda “The Stakes Have Never Been Higher.” Nearly three years ago, House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) survived an attack by a deranged criminal misusing a firearm. That horrific event shocked the nation. For the Louisiana...

NSSF: 2.17 Million Guns Sold in June, Up 136% Over Last Year, Q2 Sales...

After the FBI released their raw NICS totals, this morning, the NSSF has now released the adjusted NICS firearm background check totals for June. The NSSF's numbers correct for background checks run for purposes...
U.S. Representative Guy Reschenthaler

NSSF Q&A: U.S. Representative Guy Reschenthaler of Pennsylvania

From the NSSF: Who introduced you to hunting/the shooting sports, and at what age? My grandparents taught me how to shoot in first or second grade. I would shoot at a bell, and they gave me...
Martha McSally

Arizona Sen. McSally to Gun Industry: You Want Me On That Wall

By Matt Manda U.S. Sen. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.), a 26 year U.S. Air Force combat veteran, says “I’ve put my life on the line for the Second Amendment.” Arizona Republican U.S. Sen. Martha McSally spent two...