raz warlord chaz chop seattle

Washington State Pols Only Care About Gun Control for Law-Abiding Citizens

By Larry Keane The crisis in Seattle is revealing gun control politicians are only interested in enforcing gun laws on the law abiding. When it comes to actual criminals, they’ve abandoned their citizens. Video surfaced of...
Supreme Court

Gun Industry Deals With the Failure of the Supreme Court to Take Up 2A...

From the National Shooting Sports Foundation: The NSSF, the firearm industry trade association, expressed profound disappointment and frustration by the U.S. Supreme Court’s refusal to accept any of nearly a dozen Second Amendment-related appeals. The Supreme...
nra rock river rifles

Guns, Gun Makers and the Second Amendment are There to Protect You During Times...

By Larry Keane The Second Amendment is inalienable and there is a perfect storm right now demonstrating its vital importance. There is a constant barrage of attacks on the Second Amendment in “normal” times. These days...
Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot

Lightfoot’s Failed Leadership Endangers the Lives of Chicago’s Residents

By Larry Keane The Windy City has a serious leadership problem. Amid the coronavirus pandemic and now widespread looting and riots, the violence and crime in Chicago is historically bad. But it is Democratic Mayor...
Val Demings

Veepstakes: Florida Rep. Val Demings Blames Lawful Gun Owners for Increased Violence

By Larry Keane Florida Democratic U.S. Rep. Val Demings has emerged as a top-tier contender to be a running mate for presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s antigun ticket. During these worrisome times of the coronavirus...
second amendment tax holiday

Seattle’s Gun and Ammunition Tax Falls Short of Revenue Projections Again…Still

By Larry Keane Seattle’s so-called “gun violence tax” continues to fall far short of the promised returns. Recent figures show that while there was a slight bump in taxes collected, the only thing the tax...
May 2020 NICS background checks

May NICS Background Check Total Was the Third Highest Monthly Total Ever

From the NSSF: The May 2020 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figure of 1,595,790 is an increase of 75.2 percent compared to the May 2019 NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 910,910. For comparison, the unadjusted May 2020 FBI NICS figure 3,066,740...

Retailers: 40% of 2020 Gun Buyers are First-Timers and 40% of Those are Female

By Jim Curcuruto The early part of 2020 has been unlike any other year for firearm purchases—particularly by first-time buyers—as new NSSF research reveals millions of people chose to purchase their first gun during the...
social media phone

It’s Time to Confront the Tyranny of Social Media Censorship

By Larry Keane It’s time the little blue birds of Twitter come home to roost. While we’re at it, clean out the henhouse of Facebook, Instagram, Google and the other plucky tech giants. The Trump administration...
rep richard hudson

House Members Ask Trump Admin. to Prevent COVID-Related Firearm Industry Banking Discrimination

Press release from Rep. Richard Hudson: U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08), a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment and sponsor of the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, is leading the effort to call on the Trump...
Folding American Flag funeral

On Memorial Day, the Firearms Industry Pauses

By Mark Oliva Factories have been humming for the firearm and ammunition industry. Business has been brisk over the past couple months. Even ranges that were forced closed by the coronavirus pandemic are starting to...
kamala harris candidate 2020

Kamala Harris Grovels Before Watts, Feinblatt in Everytown’s Veepstakes

From the NSSF . . . U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) tried her best to knock former Vice President Joe Biden off the debate stage last June. Now she’s playing nice, trying to make it up to...