Question of the Day: Are Pro-Gun Pols Sell Outs?

  Starting today, Oklahoma's open carry law is open for business. Huzzah! That said, only citizens with a concealed carry permit can openly carry a firearm in the Sooner State. Oh, and tells us...

What Could Possibly Go Wrong: DragonSpy Edition

11 You may recall that the Texas Navy recently commissioned six bad ass gunboats to patrol the Rio Grande. The thirty-foot crafts boast bullet resistant plating and six machine guns. They cost, wait for it, $3.5m....

Question of the Day: Bear Spray or Big Bore Revolver?

54 Over at, FWP Region 2 Bear Management Specialist Jamie Jonkel informs readers that black bear and grizzly habitat overlap with humans' happy hunting grounds in Montana's Blackfoot Valley. “We hope that all this heightened bear...

Question of the Day: Does Open Carry Depend on Racial Profiling?

86 For the last year or so, my FFL guy's been open carrying. Steve's a soft-spoken fifty-something who clocks in at 5'9", 155 pounds. No one has EVER asked him about his heater---despite the fact that my...

Quote of the Day: Crime Prevention Edition

"Someone who wants to start a criminal attack will be less likely to do so when he sees someone is openly carrying, so I believe there will be fewer incidents of using a defensive...

Ineffective Political Ad of the Day: California Edition

Someone thought this would be a great political advertisement to get people to not vote for Scott Hasson, candidate for San Diego Community College Board. So they mailed it to everyone in his district....

FPS Russia is Ready—To Shoot His Femoral Artery

45 Or his baby maker. Or his left hand. Or his left foot.

Wyoming Open Carry Case Cause for Concern?

  "A Wyoming sheriff’s deputy who detained a combat veteran in handcuffs for openly carrying a pistol offered to let him go if he agreed to let another deputy draw his weapon and shoot if...

RKBA: Clearly The Coolest Custom Kydex Holster Ever Made

14 I carry my Caracal C in a custom-fit RKBA holster. It's completely comfortable and conceals completely. But it is nowhere near as cool as basshead87's see-through Glock holster. Transparently so. When my nine-year-old daughter...

It Should Have Been a DGU: Bath Salt Zombie Edition

22 "Cimino . . . jumped from the second-floor window of a vacant home in Hawley on Sept. 7, after he stripped down to his underwear and unsuccessfully tried to break into another nearby home,"...

Question of the Day: What’s the Big Deal About Printing?

TTAG commentator Buuurr writes: "I’ve always wondered what the obsession with printing was myself. I wear my Springfield XDm 9mm with the extended mag in a pocket holster all the time. The mag of...