New Hampshire Governor Cancels Outdoor Inauguration Over Armed Protesters

“My first responsibility is ensuring the safety of my family and our citizens” Gov. Chris Sununu said in a news release. “For weeks, armed protesters have increasingly become more aggressive, targeting my family, protesting...
Open carry revolver holster

Harrop: Laws That Allow the Open Carry of Firearms are Insane

If I feared my home could be invaded by what Mark McCloskey said was an "out-of-control mob," I'd be inside, crouched under a window. The couple argued that the protesters were trespassing on their...
North Carolina polling place vote

Legally Armed Man at North Carolina Polling Place Arrested for Trespassing

From the Associated Press: In North Carolina, an armed man loitering at a polling site on Election Day has been arrested and charged with trespassing. Thirty-six-year-old Justin Dunn was legally carrying a firearm but loitered at...
Election 2020 Early Voting New York

Michigan Judge Strikes Down Polling Place Open Carry Gun Ban

It hasn't been a good couple of weeks in the courts for Michigan's governing class. On October 12, the Michigan Supreme Court struck down Governor Gretchen Whitmer's executive orders restricting most aspects of everyday...
Minnesota Freedom Fighters

Minnesota Freedom Fighters: Armed Black Men Protecting Their Community

An armed security force is now a regular sight at protests & patrolling certain streets. Their objective is “not to be the police, but the bridge to link the police & the community together.” Minnesota...
Open carry gun rights protest

No, the Presence of Openly Carried Firearms Does Not Inhibit Free Speech During Protests

One of the latest angles gun control groups have taken against the right to keep and bear arms is the argument that the presence of openly carried firearms "chills" or somehow inhibits free speech...
open carry protest capital

McFarlin: We Can’t Allow Open Carry to Intimidate Or Suppress the Right to Protest

In obtaining my concealed carry license, I underwent training before being granted the privilege. It wasn’t nearly as comprehensive as my military weapons training, but it was something. Meanwhile, open carry is permitted by...
kyle rittenhouse rifle kenosha

Vox: Police Support Armed Citizens As Long As They’re Not Black or Brown

A recent paper by University of Arizona sociologist Jennifer Carlson offers some insight into the police’s behavior. She conducted dozens of hours of interviews about guns with 79 police chiefs in three states — Michigan,...

Kenosha’s Residents Stand Up, Fight Back Against Violent Rioters [GRAPHIC VIDEOS]

The small, Midwestern town of Kenosha, Wisconsin moved from a battleground toward a war zone last night. Scores of local residents tooled up open-carry style to protect their homes and businesses from rabid mobs...
Kentucky constitutional carry

3 Things To Look For In A Concealed Carry Holster

There are a large number of variables for gun owners shopping for a concealment holster: price, quality, carry style and more. But there are three major, over-arching considerations for any aspiring every concealed carrier. Accessibility Most defensive...
Subway open carry guns

Shannon Watts Claims Another Non-Victory Over Guns Carried in Public With Subway Open Carry...

Michael Bloomberg's star employee, Shannon Watts, has remarkably low standards when it comes to "progress" in her mission to disarm law-abiding citizens. America's anti-gun Karen crowed like a rooster when she mau-maue'd Starbucks into...
woman hiking hiker appalachian trail

Why You Shouldn’t Take a Gun When Hiking the Appalachian Trail

"Okay, let’s say I’m in a scenario on the trail where I want to use a gun. I wouldn’t want it if I was being robbed. In the case of a robbery, I’m always...