No Waffling On Gun Control

Ed Stone, the President of Georgia gun rights organization, recently wrote about the following event in his column on the Atlanta Gun Rights Examiner website. Matt Brannan and J.P. Mitchell were dining in the...

Why is The Brady Campaign Picking On Starbucks?

The Brady Campaign (TBC) is America's foremost---or at least most media-friendly---gun control advocacy group. Fair enough. The Brady Campaign has the right to express their views and lobby for legislation as they see fit....

Starbucks Sticks to It’s Guns. Well, Someone’s . . .

Starbucks has been the focus of a lot of pro- and anti-gun control kerfuffle lately. This after California supporters of "Open Carry" legislation---allowing licensed gun owners to carry weapons without a concealed carry permit---held...

Question of the Day: Are Armed Teachers the Answer to Spree Shooters?

The "gun debate" has two sides. On one side, gun control advocates believe that eliminating firearms from society (legal or illegal) makes it safer ("guns don't kill people; people with guns kill people"). On...

Canadian Columnist Slams Second Amendment

"The Queen is the symbolic head of Canada and the Commonwealth. She has exactly zero power. I, too, am a citizen but I regard myself as more free than you because I don't need...

Open Carry Crusaders to Protest at Presidio

0 The New York Times' Bay Area blog notes that the Bay Area Open Carry campaign is set to meet-up at The Presidio. No, they're not going to gather to watch the Sean Connery /...

WI Open Carry Advocates Turn Up The Heat

1 And here's a bit that somehow didn't make the final version of the video report, from the website. " Schneider also says Waukesha County Sheriff's Deputies later questioned him at his home after...

Washington Open Carry Advocate Pleads Out

The Open Carry movement---which lobbies for citizens' right to carry licensed firearms in plain view---may have a champion in Duncan Dohmen. The 68-year-old Washingtonian was arrested last June for openly carrying a Smith &...