florissant BLM protest shooting

Open Carry Black Lives Matter Protestor Has Negligent Discharge, Shoots Himself in the Foot...

BLM Soyboy has a negligent discharge when flashing his firearm around Police pic.twitter.com/4aFl0evkqs — I,Hypocrite (@lporiginalg) June 29, 2020 https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js We missed this when it happened last week. This video was from a protest that took place...
lansing BLM guns

POLICE NEUTERED: Armed ‘Protesters’ In Lansing, MI Obstruct Traffic, Point Guns At Motorists [VIDEO]

An armed former prison inmate led a "peaceful protest" in Lansing, Michigan in recent days for "civil rights." In reality, the "Free People of Lansing" obstructed traffic and brandished firearms against motorists while police...
Home carry

I’m Now Carrying a Gun At Home: Here’s What I’ve Learned

  By Donald Frame TTAG got my attention regarding the merits of home carry, so I decided to give it a go. I’ve been at it about a month, carrying more than 90% of the time...
Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller

Albuquerque Declares All Parks ‘Education Facilities’ to Ban the Lawful Carry of Firearms

Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller has banned firearms from city parks in the wake of the shooting during the vandalism of a statue earlier this week. You might be scratching your head over that, since...

Oklahoma Black Gun Owners Plan Pro Gun Rights March for Saturday in Oklahoma City

Donald Trump's scheduled rally in Tulsa on Saturday remains the hottest ticket in Oklahoma this weekend. And now, there's an open carry walk in OKC to coincide with the Trump rally. The goal of...
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer

Michigan Gov. Whitmer’s Rough Week Includes Seeing ‘Men With Automatic Rifles’ Outside Her Home

Poor Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Michigan's gun rights-hating authoritarian governor has suffered through some bad days of late. Her most recent cry for help? On Tuesday, she bemoaned how her family can see men with...
Virginia gun owner militia open carry

Lane: Governments Should Have a Monopoly on the Deployment of Armed Force

You'd think one of the WaPo's Harvard and Yale-educated editorial writers would have a basic working knowledge of the Bill of Rights and the Founders' intent behind the Second Amendment. You'd be wrong. Thus do...
Georgia Weapons Carry License

Another Challenge To Georgia’s Suspension Of Weapons Carry License Applications

In response to Georgia's suspension of the processing of carry permits, yet another lawsuit has been filed. This latest, House and Georgia Carry v. Kemp and Brackett, filed in the Superior Court of Union...
Ninth Circuit

Ninth Circuit Sets Date to Hear Young v. Hawaii Arguments

By LKB As you may recall, what seems like an eternity ago -- two years -- a panel of the Ninth Circuit handed down a decision in Young v. Hawaii. In that case, the petitioner...
Jackson, Mississippi Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba

Jackson, Mississippi Mayor Backs Down, Won’t Renew Order Banning Open Carry

Jackson, Mississippi Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba issued an executive order a week ago banning open carry in his city. Lumumba used two shootings involving children as justification for the move, even though neither instance...
open carry protest capital

Tensions High As Armed Protesters Return to the Michigan Capitol

On Thursday, hundreds of "Liberate Michigan" protesters showed up in Lansing at the State Capitol to show their continued displeasure with Governor Gretchen "Half" Whitmer's tyrannical edicts. Some of the protestors brought their long...
Jackson Open Carry Lawsuit

Federal Lawsuit Filed Challenging Jackson, Mississippi Mayor’s Ban On Open Carry

Last week, Jackson, Mississippi Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba announced that he had signed an order banning the open carry of firearms in the city, despite the fact that such an action violates multiple state...