California open carry black panther protest

Muse: White Armed Protestors Are Less Intimidating Than Black Armed Protestors

History has a funny way of coming back around. Both the Black Panthers and these protestors were exercising their First Amendment right to peaceably assemble. Both were exercising their Second Amendment right to...

Anti-Lockdown Protests Grow With Some Protestors Showing Up Well-Armed

The lockdown orders used to be about controlling the Coronavirus. In many places across America, it feels like the lockdown is now used to control the Deplorables. And Americans have taken to the streets...
Bailey Nielsen AR-15 Idaho

11-Year-Old Girl Brings Her AR-15 to Idaho Statehouse for a Hearing, Internet Melts Down

The great 2020 Virginia Gun Rights Rally last month has shown that pushing back twice as hard against gun control gets results. America's gun owners turned out in Virginia and they brought their guns...
Virginia gun owner militia open carry

Virginia Protests Highlight the Debate Over the PR Value of Open Carry

On Monday, the House of Delegates advanced the assault-style ban to its final reading, with Democratic lawmakers contending that it will not infringe on anybody’s Second Amendment rights. Republicans argue otherwise, saying it would...
VCDL Virginia

VCDL: Please Don’t Bring Long Guns To Jan. 20 Lobby Day

With radical Virginia Democrats pledging all manner of gun control following November's election, the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) has planned a lobby day for January 20, 2020 in Richmond. In their press release,...

New Virginia Bill Would Criminalize Second Amendment-Related Speech

Virginia State Senator L. Louise Lucas prefiled Senate Bill 64 titled A BILL to amend and reenact § 18.2-433.2 of the Code of Virginia, relating to paramilitary activities; penalty. The relevant portion: A person shall be...
Open carry AP feat

Walmart Generally Not Enforcing Their New Open Carry Ban

Anti-gun activists and the media (BIRM) rejoiced at Walmart's announcement last week "requesting" that customers not open carry in their store.  Now, the New York Times has a piece detailing how, in Texas at...

Slate: Springfield Open Carrier is ‘America’s Best Gun Control Activist’

Recently, Walmart changed its corporate policy to effectively forbidding the open carry of firearms in their stores. Following Walmart's lead, a number of other large retail chains did the same. Why the change? In part,...
armed man springfield walmart

Springfield, Missouri Walmart Open Carrier Explains Why He Did It

"It was foolish. I didn't give it thought." Those words rolled off the tongue of 20-year-old Dmitriy Andreychenko, the guy who donned a tactical vest and carried a braced AR pistol into a Springfield,...

Walgreens, CVS, Others Also ‘Ask’ Customers Not to Open Carry – Are Open Carriers...

In a single-sentence statement Thursday, pharmacy giant Walgreens joined Walmart, Kroger, CVS and others in asking customers not to open carry in their stores. Walgreens Statement Regarding Open Carry in Our Stores 05 September 2019 We are...
open carry holster gun

Two Open Carriers In Kansas City Walmart Store Broke No Laws

A few days after a mass shooting at an El Paso Walmart store, a man walked into a Wally World in Springfield, Missouri wearing load bearing equipment and a slung AR. While he reportedly...

U of Oregon Snowflakes Triggered By 100-Year-Old Pioneer Statue

The rugged individualism portrayed by a statue of a Pioneer on the University of Oregon campus has made the news.  The 100-year-old statue, featuring a man carrying a whip in one hand with a...