Incendiary Image of the Day: Armed Bodyguards vs. Your 2A Rights Edition

"It is illegal in California to carry a loaded weapon unless you are a law-enforcement officer," asserts, erroneously. "But a Los Angeles police spokesman said ‘the practice of celebrities hiring off-duty officers for private...

Self-Defense Tip: Carry On, Regardless

Last night, Sam's performance with her Smith & Wesson 686 proved the old adage "Beware of the hot woman with one gun." That is it, right? On the way home, she kvetched about...

The Truth About Shotguns?

7! Gun guru Todd Jarrett tells it like it is. Allegedly.

Question of the Day: What’s the Best Gun for Intimidating Looters?

Imagine the snap above without the National Guardsman. Now what would you carry? How would you carry it? Would you put up a sign like that one? And would you worry about a prosecutor...

The Truth About Bicycle Carry

44 In the gun world, different types of shooters favor particular types of firearms. The same general principle applies to cyclists. Given the wide variety of riders and bicycles, there's no simple solution for bicycle carry. A...

“I don’t think my grandfather owned a gun, but he did own a rifle.”

Larry Gross has a lot to get off of his chest. There are some things he’ll just never understand. And one of them, as he tells us in a recent cri de coeur in Cincinnati’s, is...

Self-Defense Tip: Three Things to Do Before You Die

13 Confession: this isn't a self-defense tip per se. This post assumes you weren't able to use your gun to successfully defend your life. Not to put to fine a point on it, you're toast....

Home Invaders Choose Poorly, Repelled By 72 Year Old

It's been a good week for seniors. First a 92-year-old woman from Wales provided a sliver of hope that the UK isn't a total loss. At least not yet. And over here a 72-year-old...

Self-Defense Tip: Practice Support Hand Shooting

14 How often do you practice shooting with your support hand? Dominant hand shooting gets us where we want to be proficiency wise. Tactically, support hand shooting provides you with peace of mind. Think about...

When You’re Out Of Ideas, There’s Always Meaningless Symbolism

Newark’s a tough town. A town with more than its share of gun violence. No doubt about it. And New Jersey has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country. Anyone see...

So Now I Have a Real Dilemma . . .

38 Over on yesterday's Question of the Day (Have You Ever Felt You Needed A Gun and Didn’t Have One?), Commentator LK is stuck on the horns of dilemma. Perhaps members of TTAG's Armed Intelligentsia...

Nice Rack. Or Not.