Self Defense Tip: Actions Speak Louder Than Thoughts

1 So, class, what did we learn at Gunsite Academy's Pistol Range? The video above illustrates the lesson on the day: sometimes the brain just gets in the way. Yes, you CAN over-think things. A misfiring mind will...

Self Defense Tip: Use Cover Wisely

4 How many police or military shows / movies have you seen where the good guys move into cover by hugging tight to the bumper of a patrol car, wall, or other barrier? Chances are,...

What’s Wrong With This Picture: Tap, Rack, Die Edition

Boy did THIS guy show up with the wrong gun. I haven't seen that much tap n' rack since the last time I ordered a pitcher of draft beer at Hooters. I'm no gun...

Self-Defense Tip: DON’T PANIC

TTAG Commentator A Critic writes: Fight, flight, and freeze are all forms of panic. The first two are panic driving your actions. The third is panic stopping your actions. None of these are desirable in...

Self-Defense Tip for Hand Loaders: Write it Down!

In a recent post, TTAG scribe Benjamin T Shotzberger admitted to carrying hand loads in his self-defense gun. When the topic of roll-your-own for self-defense comes up, the most obvious concern: chances of being...

Self-Defense Tip: Grieve. Quickly.

When discussing the immediate impact of a life-or-death encounter, gun gurus often refer to the "fight of flight response." In the blink of a widened eye, your brain dumps adrenaline into your system. Blood flows...

Questions of the Day: How Serious Are You About Home Defense?

Before I retired from the Army, I spent 1968-1971 on the ground in sunny Vietnam. While in country, I had an M14a1 ,which I...

Self Defense Tip: Don’t Go Out At Night

"The shooting occurred at about 12:30 p.m., on northbound Highway 99 near Florin Road," reports. "The victim, a male in his 50s, was riding in the front passenger seat of a vehicle being driven...

Self-Defense Tip: Three Things to Do Before You Shoot Someone

Let me be perfectly clear: these are three things you need to do before you shoot someone who needs shooting. That would be a person or persons who pose an imminent threat of death...

How Much Money Should You Spend on Self Defense Per Year?

When smart people want to know how much time, money and money to spend protecting an asset---be it a nuclear missile silo or a corporate server room---they come to me. Or someone like me....

Extreme Shock Offers New .223 Remington Round

Extreme Shock, best known for their fragmenting bullets and over-the-top advertising images, has a new .223 Remington round that they're unveiling at the show. The ammo uses a 45ish grain bullet and is designed...

Self-Defense Tip: Don’t Have Your Pants on the Ground, Pants on the Ground

Anyone who’s manned the counter at a fast food restaurant or worked in any kind of retail establishment can tell you how difficult it can be dealing with the public.  And they’re just slinging...