Gander Mountain Virtual Shooting Range: Ain’t Nothing Like the Real Thing?

5 Take a gander at this: a 360 degree shoot, no-shoot sim for self-defense-minded gun owners. Or non-gun owners. While the training benefits of Gander Mountain's Virtual Shooting Range are obvious, its drawbacks are equally...

Two Hands Good, One Hand Better Pt. 1

12 When was the last time you saw a picture of a shooter using a one-handed grip? On most firearms-related websites, advertisements, TV show and movies, shooters are shown using a two-handed grip. Thumb position...

Question of the Day: What Weapons Would You Use to Defend Your Mega-Yacht from...

According to, here's where we stand in terms of piracy on the open seas off the coast of Somalia, as of March 1 . . . Incidents Reported for Somalia: Total Incidents: 61 Total Hijackings:13 Total Hostages: 243 Total...

The Danger of Less-Than-Lethal Weapon Systems

3 I reckon self-defense has three main elements. First, detect. I can't say it enough (although God knows I'm trying): it's the bus you don't see that kills you. Second, escape and evade. Sun Tzu...

Self-Defense Tip: Keep Moving

1 Yes, I know: competitions like these are NOT about training for self-defense. In fact, they often provide excellent insight in what not to do in an armed self-defense situation. In this case, we have...

The Truth About Carrying A Second Gun

Do you carry a back-up firearm? Most people would answer quite reasonably, “Dude, I’m not Rambo; and I wouldn’t want a jury to think that I thought I was either.” Most gun owners have...

Self-Defense Tip: Just Because You’re Shot Doesn’t Mean You’re Dead

9 "A Nevada sheriff says a deputy wounded five times in a shootout with a man firing a rifle from the roof of a home in Wells is improving after surgery at a Salt Lake...

Why is the ATF Investigating IL Gun Show Negligent Discharge?

Yesterday, I surfed past a story about a negligent discharge at the Egyptian Collector's Association Gun and Knife Show in Bloomington, Illinois. I thought about blogging it as an Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day. Other...

Question of the Day: Does Open Carry Makes Cops’ Jobs More Dangerous?

53 I find it odd that law enforcement officials don't support the idea of open carry. If I were snorting---I mean patrolling the thin blue line, my firearm fear would focus on concealed carry. To...

Taser Takes Over the World

Field Use/Suspect Applications:           1,216,476 ± 2% Training/Voluntary Applications:          1,192,531 ± 7% Total:                                                   2.4 million+ (as of Jan 31, 2010) SALES GROWTH OF TASER ECDs at law enforcement, correctional, private security and military agencies 2000 - 2010: 2000:    500...

Home Invasion: You’re A Target

"The three men who broke into a house Wednesday evening and assaulted the 66-year-old homeowner were intent on stealing his guns, according to police. Police Chief John R. Desmarais said the three suspects had targeted...

Seven Rules of Handgun Magazine Management

Do you carry a spare magazine? A lot of concealed carriers don't. They consider it too much of burden, too uncomfortable or too "paranoid." And yet you can shoot even the highest capacity magazines...