Shooting Instructors (So to Speak): Jeff Cooper vs. Massad Ayoob

64 Most of us have seen the YouTube videos of "shooting instructors" doing questionable and dangerous things. What sane person would take a class with the guy who advocates running at his assailant...

January is National Stalking Awareness Month. So . . . What’s Missing?

Presidential Proclamation: Stalking is a serious and pervasive crime that affects millions of Americans each year in communities throughout our country.  Though we have gained a better understanding of stalking and its prevalence since the passage...

Basic Shotgun Instruction with Benelli and Bieber

11 In many if not most families, the gun guy is charged with armed self-defense for the whole brood. Hello? What if the man in the house is out of the house? Also, who do...

Editorial: Deconstructing Kellermann

While a student many, many moons ago I worked as the secretary of a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Although my responsibilities were strictly clerical, I observed a thing or two about what happens behind the...

Gabe Suarez is Insane

Gabe Suarez knows more about guns and gunfighting than I'll ever know. He is, unquestionably, a better advisor on all things firearms than I'll ever be. But seriously Gabe, WTF? On December 13, the...

COR®BON Finds the Future of Firearms Marketing: Training

4 Giving customers firearms training to bond them to your brand is a no-brainer. Uh, maybe I should re-phrase that. Nothing creates product loyalty like a hands-on demo combined with expert product information and total...

Lesson from Clark County Ohio Shootout: Move or Die

After yesterday's snow-shoot video, TTAG commentator DonWorsham kidded me about my restlessness on the range. "Whats with all that movement Fargo? You’re going to fall down and shot your eye out!" Don knows why...

Danger on the Range

RF's recent visit to a snow-covered RI range got me thinking about safety. We like to believe we're safe at the firing range. But that is not always the case. In June 2004, a...

Concealed Carry. Do The Math,

Hoplaphobics (people who suffer from an irrational, morbid fear of guns) tend to use the same arguments against armed self-defense. Here's one: “Guns in private hands add more danger to an already dangerous situation....

Gun Preview: FN SCAR 16S

2 TTAG writer Chris Dumm and his BFFs (Best Firearms Friends) are heading out to a secret location deep in the Washington woods this weekend to test the FN SCAR 16S. And an ArmaLite M15....

A Man, A Plan, A Canal, Panama

This morning, a tornado struck Cincinnati,...

Limited Liability for Self-Defense Shooter’s 911 Calls?

3 In my recent review of After You Shoot, I hailed author Alan Korwin's suggestion that lawmakers should create limited liability for self-defense shooters who call 911 after they've aerated an attacker. Korwin rightly pointed that prosecutors...