Practical Firearms Training at PFT – Pt. 5 – Active Shooter

This is the fifth and final installment of my force-on-force training at Practical Firearms Training (PFT). In this scenario, we're playing a group of gun owners standing outside a K-12 school. Upon hearing shots...

Resolution in Support of Making Arts, Beats & Eats and Other Festivals Gun-Free Zones

The Honorable Mayor and Members of City Commission On August 13, 2010, the City Commission directed our office to prepare a resolution recommending that the State legislature amend Michigan law to make Arts, Beats &...

Caution! 911 May NOT Be the Number to Call After a Shooting

Earlier today, I posted the following statement: "In battle, you do what you gotta do, live, call 911 and deal." The 911 part of the formula is no small point. All your go-to gun...

3 Things You Shouldn’t Think About in A Gunfight

2 I ran into this post on Anything About Guns' Facebook page: "Man threatens woman and her 5 year old son. Woman produces handgun and robber runs away. Of course, if you ask a gun grabber...

CA Crime Prevention Specialist Screws the Pooch

0 provides us with a story of a "crime prevention-specialist" who had no idea what to do when experiencing an actual crime. Here are the facts of the case, with my analysis: On a March...

Two Things You Should Never Do With A Concealed Carry Gun

7 Your concealed carry firearm is the gun you're most likely to use on another human being. God forbid you should ever need to do so. But if you do, rest assured that you will...

Everybody Wing Tsun Tonight


Philadelphia Gun Grabbers Grab Again

Yesterday, we reported on the Philadelphia police's lack of enthusiasm for out-of-state concealed carry permits. A position which led to nine arrests for firearms possession---where the charges were eventually dropped. So far, the Philly...

Don’t Shoot! 3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Save A Stranger

I've taken a number of home defense courses. At the beginning of each class, I imagine an episode of Family Guy. Brian's sitting in a row of students. The firearms instructor's got guns everywhere, at...

Gun Review: Ruger SR9c – Safety First?

6 Make the jump to see a close-up photo of the Ruger SR9c's safety. HINT: it's the small switch at the back of the gun.

Massad Ayoob is Wrong: Keep Body Armor Out of the Bedroom

12 Massad Ayoob flat-out knows his stuff. His book In The Gravest Extreme is a must-read for anyone thinking about employing a gun for self defense. If the gun guru recommends a firearm-related...

Massad Ayoob: Suit Up!

0 We've yet to have the honor of a comment from legendary trainer and professional defense witness Masad Ayoob. But we know someone who has: When commentator lawboy asked how to strengthen his home...