Octogenarian Beatrice Turner’s .22 Gits ‘Er Done
No, her name isn't "Annie." (That would just be toooo perfect, now wouldn't it?) But when the goin' got tough, Beatrice Turner got her gun, and got 'er done. And her story can serve...
.38 Special Comparison: 3rd Place – Taurus Model 85
It just so happens that three extremely-representative samples of these guns live in the nightstands of people in my family. My dad (who used to serve warrants as a part-time constable) owns probably the newest of these – the very-mainstream Taurus Model 85. My mom (a former Justice of the Peace who issued the warrants dad served) owns the original-and-even-more-ubiquitous Smith & Wesson Model 36. And last but not least, my 82-year-old grandmother packs in her pajama drawer one of the most premium small .38s ever produced – the iconic Colt Cobra, a derivative of the famous Colt Detective Special.
Time to Invest in Body Armor?
We see a lot of bulletproof vests on television - and damned if they don't always stop the bullet perfectly. Well, they have to work on TV because they are plot devices.
Oh no! Crockett...
The Importance of Earnest Practice.
Most anti-gun types automatically assume that a non-law enforcement or military gun owner has limited skills. It's the "civilians shouldn't be trusted with a gun" argument. In a way, they are (kind of) not...
40% Buy Guns for “Home Protection; 36% for “Personal Protection.” Or Something Like That.
I make that 76 percent of Americans buy a gun or guns for some kind of defensive purpose, according to a National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) poll conducted by Harris Interactive. A couple of...
Editorial: Pop Culture and Guns in “Couples Retreat”
Rented the movie "Couples Retreat" a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, not much more than a mediocre film (maybe two stars, max.) As is the case with too many movies today, the trailer makes it...
Which Gun Should I Buy: AR-15 or AK-47?
I'm in the market for a carbine. Don't need it. I've got a perfectly serviceable Remington 870 Wingmaster shotgun in .12 gauge that handles the home defense chores just fine, thank you. I'm the...
EDITORIAL: Revolvers Rule!
By William C Montgomery on March 25, 2010
Let’s face facts: semi-automatic pistols are cool and revolvers are for stogy old farts and nerds. Case in point, who gets all the chicks:...
Has The Open Carry Campaign Found a Champion in Kurt Kirby?
The so-called Open Carry movement---whose adherents openly wear their weapons to assert their right to own and carry guns---is a cause in search of a champion or two. Or three. Or more. You know;...
Should Gun Control Advocates Have A Concealed Handgun License?
Let's say you're a pro-mass transit environmentalist; you considered automobiles the devil in-car-nate. Chances are you'd have both a theoretic and emperical understanding of how cars work; what they can and can not do....
Conceal This
I have something to confess. I have a concealed handgun license (CHL) and I rarely carry my handgun. The reasons why I don't carry that often---and why thousands of other concealed carry permit holders...