Police Force Swapping Shotguns for Rifles

Another day (what already?), another police force swapping their shotguns for rifles. Panama City's wmbb.com reports that the Walton Country Sheriff's office is issuing AR-15 patrol rifles as its force's standard gear. Sheriff Michael...

San Franscisco: We Won’t Tase You Bro’

Mercurynews.com reports that the San Francisco Police Commission has just said no to Tasers. After hearing from officers and researchers who wanted to sing the perps' bodies electric, the commission voted 4-3 against arming...

Louisiana’s Operation Exodus “Ahead of the Curve When It Comes to Fighting Islamic Extremism”


Taser to SF: We’ll Be Here When You Figure It Out

Yesterday, the San Francisco Police Commission rejected the Chief's request to arm his force with Tasers. The Commission was worried about the lethality of the world's most famous non-lethal weapon. While ambulance chasers lawyers...

False Alarm Triggers Shotgun Party at Jackson Estate

Whyfame.com (why fame indeed) reports that TMZ.com reports that the LA Police responded to a burglar alarm at the Jackson family compound in Encino last night. "Five armed LAPD officers entered through the front...

Random Notes from a Distant Friend: What The Snub Knows

Don’t spread it around, but, in 1979 I was a Civil Rights Observer with the Nashville police. I went out for eight-hour shifts and rode in the back of the squad car. The people...

DC Gun Scam Costs Taxpayers $400k—And The Cops Keep the Guns

The Washington Examiner reports that more than 100 Montgomery County cops, prison guards and sheriff deputies received guns for their personal use at a fraction of their cost---thanks to DC taxpayers. They were ballistically...

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the U.S. Border Patrol’s Firearms. Well, Almost

I love gung-ho articles about law enforcement weaponry---especially pieces that read like a lecture from Sergeant Joe Friday. ("Maybe you think you're not hurting anyone by smoking marijuana, but you never saw a kid...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Officer John Guerrero

Maybe the gun control folks shouldn't be worried about open carry patrons in coffee bars as much as loose boweled cops in bars. Mlive.com reports that Police Officer John Guerrero was off-duty (so to...

New Orleans Police Cover-up Continues to Unravel

ProPublica has uncovered proof that a second ex-New Orleans policeman has been implicated in a Big Easy cover-up. According to records released to the reporters, The U.S. Department of Justice alleges that ex-NOP patrolman...

Ocean City Maryland City Council: Off-Duty Cops Can’t Drink and Carry

Things to do when you're an off-duty cop in Ocean City, Maryland: visit the  Life-Saving Station Museum (again), hit the boardwalk (again), check out Assateague Island's wild ponies (again) or . . . eat...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Dayton Officer James Hardin

Pity the poor policeman. No really. Not only do they have to respond to a huge variety of potentially dangerous situations, they have do so "by the book." The tome in question is thicker...