Question of the Day: Does This Make You Proud?

84 A email blast from Lenco Armored Vehicles: "The many pictures and film footage of the Manhunt for the Boston Marathon Bombers clearly demonstrated the Police Mission to Protect & Serve. While law enforcement conducted the...

Locals Limit Pittsburgh Police Night Training

31 GMan writes: The local MSM ran a story on the police department's practice limitations: they're prohibited from shooting in low/adverse light unless neighbors green light the training. The agreement's based on complaints about noise pollution;...

Why Cops Love Gun Buybacks

44 Not to put too fine a point on it, gun buybacks have about as much to do with reducing crime as Jenna Dewan has to do with arc welding (that's Jennifer Beal's thing). At...

Ohio Highway Patrol Spend $645k to Replace “Too Long” Shotguns

"The Ohio Highway Patrol is spending more than $600,000 to replace its shotguns because the old ones are too long to fit in the front seat of the Dodge Chargers the state bought...

Question of the Day: Did Boston Bombers Open Americans’ Eyes to the Threat Posed...

132 It's increasingly clear that the Boston bombing was a watershed event. While the media focuses on the bombers' past and the possibility of further attacks, the police response to the terrorists is bound to...

California Cops Training with Airsoft Amidst Ammo Shortage

33 reports that California cops are suffering from the same ammo shortage that's keeping you and me from busting caps like Detective John McClane. "Everybody is fighting for what seems like a shrinking...

OMG! College Students! With Nerf Guns! OMG!

"It is an absolute waste of police resources. Most of our officers went out there because it is a serious incident." So scolded Marc Lovicott, University of Wisconsin campus police spokesman. What had the...

Cops Bring Out the Big Guns for Boston Bombers


Why Do The Philadelphia Police Have 1,356 Full-Auto M-16s?

  "An automatic M-16 rifle is missing from one of the Philadelphia Police Department's main gun-storage units and Commissioner Charles Ramsey has called in federal authorities to investigate," reports. "Obviously, this is very, very serious," Ramsey...

Texas CHL Holder Arrested for “Rudely Diplaying” a Rifle

295 There's no way to know what exactly went down before this video starts (at least until the dashcam video is released), but at minimum, the Temple, Texas PD -- including the responding sergeant on...

Question of the Day: Do You Know When Not to Draw?

A number of readers have sent this picture in to TTAG central, obviously taken in the immediate aftermath of one of the explosions in Boston today. As one reader comments, "Although not related to...

Schumer: Senate Gun Bill Would Turn Times Square Into OK Corral

While gun rights advocates are waking-up to some of the positives offered by the Manchin-Toomey compromise "universal background check" bill, so are the gun grabbers. "Times Square could become a new 'OK Corral' if...