School SROs Are A Bad Idea

94 I just want to remind readers that I've argued before that putting police officers into schools is a bad idea. It's an enormous expense for taxpayers that leads to trouble: bored officers hitting on students and hassling...

Dan Bilzerian’s Guns Confiscated by LAPD

Returning to his burglarized Los Angeles mansion from what I'm sure was an epic trip, Dan Bilzerian found that most of his firearms, magazines, and ammunition were missing. What you wouldn't expect to find is...

New Battle Rattle for “Unarmed” British Police

I have no idea why people cling to the belief that British police are unarmed. Sure, the average "bobby" on the beat doesn't carry a sidearm, but they wear bullet resistant vests, carry tasers...

Was This Texas Man Arrested for Legally Carrying a Concealed Weapon?

58 "Just because I have a handgun on me and a license to carry should not be a big deal, but that is what made it the turning point." It's hard to come to any...

19 Cops Respond to Suspected Santa Monica, CA Burglary, Guns Drawn…Fair Enough?

"I was inside my apartment and slipping off my shoes when I heard a man’s voice and what sounded like a small dog whimpering outside, near my front window," Fay Wells writes at...

What Could Possibly Go Wrong: Arizona’s Pinal County Sheriff’s Office Rubber Bullet Guns [VIDEO]

"Arizona's Pinal County Sheriff's Office is about to become the first law enforcement agency in the nation to deploy a new weapon with the hopes of preventing police involved shooting deaths," reports. "In addition...

A Closer Look at Mullenix v. Luna (Qualified Immunity for Texas Trooper Who...

49 writes: The U.S. Supreme Court recently decided a case involving fatal shots fired at a moving vehicle. Mullenix v. Luna provides an important reminder to officers about thoroughly articulating use of force and offers help...

When Seconds Count, the UK Police Are Only Three Hours Away

"Five men wearing hooded tops and scarves across their faces battered down John Moore's door on Saturday morning," reports. "The raiders demanded money and threatened the 63-year-old with a knife and a fireman's...

Quote of the Day: Danger? Texas Lawman Reckons You’re Best Served By Calling the...

"Most times citizens are going to be best served and best protected by calling trained law enforcement officers whenever they feel their lives or property are in danger." - Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas...

FLA Police Chiefs Support Open Carry While Sheriff Warns Open Carrier About ‘Taking One...

Margie Menzel writes: Acknowledging “momentum” behind a proposal that would allow people with concealed-weapons licenses to openly carry guns, the Florida Police Chiefs Association said Thursday its board of directors had voted to back the controversial measure...

San Antonio ‘Suicide by Cop’ Deputies Cleared by Grand Jury

After responding to a domestic violence call, Gilbert Flores told Bexar County (San Antonio) police that he wanted to die. They obliged him (after trying to talk down the knife- and chair-wielding man and,...

Video of Iowa Cop Slipping on Ice, Shooting Woman While Trying to Shoot Her...

89 The Iowa Department of Criminal Investigation just released a 12-second copcam video taken when Burlington Police Officer Jesse Hill shot and killed Autumn Steele. According to Officer Hill and eyewitnesses, he was trying to shoot her...