Gear Review: Taser Axon Flex

In the increasingly litigious world we live in, simply being of good character and stating the whole truth often isn't enough. Pictures can be taken out of context, witnesses can lie, and a good...

Update: LAPD Pay-Up for Pickup

A reader writes: FYI, yesterday's blog post about the compensation offered to the victims of a mistaken identity LA PD shooting  ("Keep your truck and FOAD") was based on an NBC-Los Angeles article from Mar....

What’s Wrong With This Picture: hcetoE Edition

What's wrong with this picture? This was captured during the FBI raid on the home of Herkimer, NY shooting suspect Kurt Myers in Mohawk, NY. Anybody want to guess how many rounds this Special...

Shooting Victims to LAPD: Keep Your Truck and FOAD

Remember when LA's finest went a tad trigger happy in pursuit of cop killer Christopher Dorner? For a while there it was pretty much open season on any vehicle remotely matching the description of...

Unnecessary Use of Force of the Day: Mall Cop Edition

116 This is Darren Long, mall cop at the Atlanta Metro Mall. His YouTube channel is filled with rather terrible videos of a mall cop letting his gun go to his head. In situations that...

New Jersey Pisses Away $900k on Gun Buybacks

"In a state where there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of firearms in the hands of private citizens, is it reasonable to expect that taking several thousand off the streets will have...

Maryland Wait Times for Handguns, Rifles Running 40+ days

By Jew With a Gun Just thought I’d give a quick update to the armed intelligentsia in the free(r) states about what’s going on here in Maryland. You're almost certainly aware of our dear leader Martin...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Hurtado Barrera

The director of the Tamaulipas state Policia Ministeriales, identified in press reports only as Hurtado Barrera, escaped from legal custody after being held for investigation for accidentally discharging her weapon in an aircraft in...

What’s Wrong With This Picture: Pellet Gun Takedown Edition

"Officers were dispatched to the 2100 block of South Bertelsen Road near West 18th Avenue," reports. "A resident of the area had reported that a man was wandering around outside a duplex and pointing...

NY Cops Shoot Herkimer Shooter and Brooklyn Teen

"Authorities on Thursday killed a man suspected of shooting dead four people a day earlier in separate incidents at a barbershop and a car wash in neighboring upstate New York towns," reports. This...

California Confiscation on Such a Winter’s Day

  The People of the Gun are getting jumpy. And no wonder. They're getting jumped. Post-Newtown, more than one hundred pieces of state and local gun control legislation are wending their way through their respective legislatures. New...

Question of the Day: Is This What Cops Should Look Like?

Regular readers know I'm a little touchy on the subject of police militarization. As in I'm dead set against it. The proliferation of up-armored LEOs and the increasing use of these AR-wielding civilians for...