This is What Happens to a Disarmed Populace: Operation Clean Halls Edition

  "Jay Victorino was standing outside his mother's apartment when he was grabbed by police, and he says if she hadn't come downstairs to identify him he would've been arrested on a trespassing charge," the...

Cops in Schools? We Can Do Better Than That!

  "Sean McCutcheon---an officer in the Lloyd, N.Y., police department and a school resource officer (SRO) for Highland Central School District ---accidentally discharged his gun at 1:38 p.m. Tuesday in the hallway of Highland High...

Man’s Best Friendly Fire

  In the aptly named Memphis neighborhood of Nutbush, Officer Calvin Taylor was shot right in the, uh, leg, by a brother officer attempting to execute a search warrant. And fight off three pit bulls...

The Truth About the DHS’s MRAPs

141 There's been a lot of internet buzz about the Department of Homeland Security's "new" MRAPs (a.k.a., tanks). I've been holding off posting about the story; there's a lot of bad intel out there about...

Answering the Tough Questions: What Do I Do Until the Police Arrive?

90 By Eddie Devir Undercover citizens can pose difficult questions to unsuspecting police officers. Especially in - surprise! - New York and New Jersey. "Um, officer? What happens between dialing 911 and the time the first...

New DHS Drones to ID Firearms Carriers

Well d'uh. Why wouldn't the Department of Homeland Security want their Predator B drones--currently deployed on our northern and southern borders---to be able to ID individual groundlings and detect whether or not the two-legged...

Quote of the Day: The 43% Solution Edition

"We know that most rapists choose a victim they know, so what the GOP is telling you is that your best option to prevent rape is to pull a gun on someone you're familiar...

NY Gov. to Exempt Film and TV Industry from SAFE Act

  As we reported when the New York's SAFE Act was passed, the bill forgot to exempt police from magazine capacity limits. (That's what happens when you rush a piece of legislation through the Assembly,...

Self-Defense Tip: Don’t Use Geico’s Digital Insurance ID Card

67 TTAG reader Robert Bubb writes: I recently saw this Geico ad featuring the pig using his phone's Geico App to show a police officer his digital vehicle insurance card during a stop for...

Firearms Laws: One Rule for You, One Rule for the FBI

  The recent and growing boycott of law enforcement agencies within New York by firearms industry folks is a fascinating and in some ways unprecedented development. It's the realization of a theme that we've been...

I Didn’t Even Notice Until Muir Pointed It Out . . .

All seven of those "no hesitation" targets are white people.

What Police Work is Really Like: Hannibalette Edition

By Chris Hernandez So there I was, minding my own business, ordering breakfast with a few other officers. It was 6:30 a.m. on a school day. Our shift had just started, all was quiet....