Closing the LEO Loophole: Update

New York's SAFE Act infringes upon residents' Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. For example, the Act bans the sale or in-state transfer of modern sporting rifles, limits ammunition magazine capacity to seven...

LEO Training Tool of the Day: “No More Hesitation” Targets

When it's your job to protect and serve, you have to be prepared for just about anything. So when faced with a threat, the last thing you want as a police officer is to...
come and take it

Massachusetts Cops on Why You Should Own an AR-15

  By Ben in MA I’m not a gun guru or even a gun owner. I’m just a libertarian who believes in personal freedom for everyone, including gun owners. As such, I’ve been trying to learn...

To Reporters’ Horror, Minnesotans Following the Law

Uh oh. The People of the Gun have the folks at the Minneapolis Star-Tribune alarmed again. This time it's reporters Brandon Stahl and Jim Ragsdale soiling themselves over the fact that Minnesotans can actually...

Why Only Cops Should Have Guns


Quote of the Day: Politically Unrealistic Edition

  "Liberals criticize stop-and-frisk because those stopped and frisked and sent to jail under New York's draconian gun enforcement are disproportionately black and Hispanic. Never mind that those who commit murders and those who are...

Self-Defense Tip: A Car Door is Not Cover

28 Cover = a ballistic shield. Concealment = the bad guy can't see you. Cover can be concealment but concealment is not necessarily cover. For example, a car door. It's not cover: most rounds will...

That Wouldn’t Have Happened if He Carried a Glock 7

When I was taken to the local ER recently, suffering pain that felt like someone had inserted a Visegrips into the innards on my right side and was steadily twisting, the medical pros diagnosed...

BREAKING: Police Scanner Recording Reveals Plan to Burn Dorner Cabin

185 Nick reported this last night when the audio recording of the police scanner wasn't exactly clear. It seemed that the cops had planned to burn down the cabin where ex-LAPD and cop killer Christopher...

Cops Heard Saying “We’re Going to Burn Him Out” Before Blaze at Dorner’s Cabin

147 The rumor mill was pretty quick to jump to conclusions about the LAPD setting the blaze that engulfed Christopher Dorner's hideout in San Bernardino County. And this video isn't going to help things much....

When Only Police Have Guns . . .

  They shoot each other. Pittsburgh's tells the tale. "Allegheny County police Superintendent Charles Moffatt said the girlfriend told 911 dispatchers that her boyfriend had a gun and was distraught. She then locked herself in...

Quote of the Day: Only Police Officers Should Carry Guns (or Not) Edition

“I think when I speak about it, at least it gets them to pause and think. It makes it real, the damage that guns can do.” - Rhode Island Rep. Jim Langevin in A...