Confessions of a Modern Cop

  By LC Judas Those who wish to disarm the civilian populace and remove their rights to resist authority or defend themselves on equal ground with any opponent do not fully consider the role of cops...

Gun Buybacks Exposed. Finally.

46 We've been saying it since the site began: gun buybacks do nothing to reduce crime and everything to waste time and taxpayer's money. (Note: even when companies foot the bill for gun buybacks the...

What Could Possibly Go Wrong: NYPD Trawling Facebook, Twitter for Gun-Flashing Gang Bangers

The gun grabbers' mantra: if we can save one child with more gun control, even if it means limiting law abiding Americans' ability to save themselves or their children, it's worth it (paraphrasing). Well...

Scenes from an LAPD Manhunt

  Last night, we blogged the aftermath of the oops-we-did-it-again LAPD shoot-em-up in a quiet Torrance cul-de-sac. In their hunt for crazed cop killer (and former brother officer) Christopher Dorner, trigger-happy cops shot two newspaper...

LAPD Shooting Victims: “There was no warning. There were no orders. No commands. Just...

"Attorney Glen Jonas said Maggie Carranza, 47, and her mother, 71-year-old Emma Hernandez, were delivering Los Angeles Times newspapers around 5:15 a.m. in Torrance when the officers opened fire on their vehicle," reports....

LAPD Cop Killer Dorner Posts to CNN. Apparently.

Cop-killer, manifesto author and LAPD target Chris Dorner's nothing if not media savvy. He's doing everything he can to get his story out there before Johnny Law (and a hail of bullets) catch up...

St. Louis Cops: Criminals Have Us Outgunned

53 Smaller but more powerful is better? Only if you discount recoil (check out that muzzle flip) and take accuracy out of the mix. But what do I know? I carry a compact .45. I...

Cops Hunting Ex-LAPD Officer Shoot the Wrong Person. Twice.

"Los Angeles and Torrance police were involved in two shootings in Torrance early Thursday when police came across vehicles similar to the one sought by authorities in a massive manhunt for an ex-LAPD officer...

UK Develops DNA Tagging Gun for Protesters

39 When a populace are disarmed subjects rather than armed citizens, when they don't have a written constitution or the right to silence, there are only two ways it can go: criminally controlled chaos with...

When Seconds Count The Police Are Hanging Out Drinking Coffee

48 h/t DrVino

Vallejo Cops Gone Wild

99 I thought long and hard about posting this. I even slept on it. And . . . here it is: police brutality in all its glory. Sure, Blake Robles shouldn't have stepped-up to the cop;...