Black Helicopters Over Galveston, Houston. Wait. No.

  You remember our stories about black helicopters firing blanks over Miami and then Houston? Yesterday, the Army and Houston police apologized for not giving advance warning of a joint training exercise in southeast Houston. The Army...

L.A. Schools to Hire 1000 Unarmed “Security Aids”

"The L.A. Unified School District is unveiling an ambitious plan to increase security at 400 elementary school campuses," reports. "They’ll be unarmed, but they will have vests and two-way radios for better communication....

Sheriff David Clarke vs. Mayor Tom Barrett vs. Piers Morgan


Miami Police and U.S. Army Team-Up for . . . What?

90 We've said it before, we'll say it again: the militarization of the U.S. police is a deeply disturbing trend for freedom-loving Americans. Add military helicopters "strafing" downtown Miami to that ballistic backdrop and you've...

NY Sheriffs: Some Murder Victims Are More Important Than Others

Now that Governor's Cuomo's unconstitutional SAFE Act is law the people responsible for enforcing it are saying WTF? The Empire State's sheriffs, in particular, are concerned about the Act's logistics and, by the way,...

NYPD To Replace Stop and Frisk with New Gun Scanners

Terahertz? It's killing me! But that's what the new scanners the NYPD is testing use to see whether or not someone's packing heat. More specifically, it looks for the outline of something blocking the...

Quote of the Day: Protecting and Defending Edition

"As the duly elected Sheriff of Johnson County, Missouri, it is my sworn duty to protect and defend the Constitutions of the United States of America, and the State of Missouri against all enemies...

Texas Schoolteachers Carry Concealed. And?

48 Americans have a Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. Why that right would end at the school gates is beyond me. The antis argue that "allowing" teachers (or any other law-abiding Americans) to...

Bulgaria: Ahmed Dogan Assassination Attempt

55 When seconds count armed bodyguards are only seconds away. What up with the beat-down? One gets the impression that Bulgarian politicians are a bit  . . . thuggish.

Who Protects Our Children?

By William Kiphart PoliceOne Member Sandy Hook has changed me forever. I try to keep abreast and keep you all informed on trends in such incidents. The difference about the days following Sandy Hook has been...

The Truth About Chicago Police Chief’s “Threat” to Shoot Concealed Carry License Holders

  “I don’t care if they’re licensed legal firearms, people who are not highly trained… putting guns in their hands is a recipe for disaster," Chicago’s Police Chief Gary McCarthy told a Windy City radio interviewer...