BREAKING: Obama Administration Planning to Put Police in Schools?

Right from the start I wondered why the Obama Administration wouldn't want to put cops in every school in America---other than the fact the idea was proposed by NRA Veep Wayne LaPierre after the...

Cops Running Out of Bullets


Belleville, IL Cops Boycott Denny’s

It's not exactly news that gun owners have a tough row to hoe in the Land of Lincoln. But cops, too? reports that "Belleville Police Capt. Don Sax said five on-duty detectives were...

Video from TTAG’s School Shooting Simulation

30 This video, courtesy of the Record Journal, shows one of the scenarios we ran this weekend in order to gather data about school shootings and whether an armed teacher would be effective in stopping...

Quote of the Day: Act in Haste Edition

"The results (of the Firearms Act of 1998) have not been what proponents of the act wanted. Within a decade of the handgun ban and the confiscation of handguns from registered owners, crime with...

The Myth of the Confused First Responder

Among the many imagined scenarios for those who object to arming citizens in facilities attractive to spree killers is first responders not knowing the good guy from the bad guy. This is indeed possible,...
Columbine high school massacre

A Parent’s Guide to School Shootings

By Greg Ellifritz I walked into the high school wearing two guns and a bullet resistant vest.  I had a rifle, six spare magazines, and a ballistic helmet stashed close by in my car.  It...

School Shootings: You Can’t Sterilize the World

By Paul Markel Nobody likes a Monday morning quarterback. I know I don't. However, sometimes we must examine a tragedy to determine what when wrong. The FAA investigator at the scene of an airplane crash...

Why You Shouldn’t Engage an Active Shooter And What to Do If You Do

  I learned a great deal about police procedure at the SIG SAUER Active Shooter Instructor's  Course. If there's one key piece of information that an armed citizen facing a gun-wielding madman in a public...

New York City’s Finest Not So Finest Now, Eh Mr. Bond?

49 As my range date heads out to the new James Bond movie I'd bet dollars to donuts (and lots of 'em) that Daniel Craig got more firearms training time for Skyfall than your average...

HSLD Post of the Day: FBI 1947 Edition

21 Ah the good old days. When an FBI Agent could shoot a machine gun from the hip without ear protection. My how times have changed. Unless your name is FPS Russia.  

The Secret Joys of Police Militarization

  Behold! The Johnston, Rhode Island SWAT team and their gear. According to, taxpayer largesse has equipped Johnston's paramilitary-style police with two Freightliner tractor-trailers, twelve Humvees; 30 M-16 rifles and conversion parts to transform them into...