Bed-Stuy DA Gun Buyback Black Market: $200 for a Handgun. No Questions Asked.

  "Saturday, December 15, from 10:00am - 4:00pm, the Kings County District Attorney’s office will hold a “Cash for Guns” event at Mt Ollie Baptist Church and St. Peters Lutheran Church in Brooklyn," reports. "Citizens...

“There has never been a documented case of a dog killing a police officer”...

139 "The same can't be said for police killing dogs," opines. "According to the National Canine Research Council, up to half of the intentional shootings by police involve dogs. Sometimes, the animals have been injured and...

Quote of the Day: Police Militarization Continues Apace Edition

  "I don't think Oklahomans as a whole are going to relish the day when their neighborhood is full of official police-package insurance department police cars as they're executing an arrest on a guy who...

Why Every State Should Recognize Open Carry

  I recently conducted a brief experiment with open carry in the Ocean State. During the week my hip held a Glock 19 in a retention holster . . . nothing. No comments. No police...

The Stupidest Gun Buyback in the History of Stupid Gun Buybacks

  Regular readers will recall that I recently took the Haverhill Mass police department to task for holding a gun buyback. It was a generic sort of post; I used the PD's "no questions asked"...

What Sauce for a Hi-Point?

  When two doods strolled into the Diamante Restaurant in Lost Wages Sunday night, they were met there by Obdulio Gudiel. Seems Gudiel had sold three cars to one of the two, Victor Larios, who's...

This is How Gun Control Advocates Think About Gun Buybacks

  Gun buybacks are a particularly stupid idea. They have no appreciable (i.e., quantifiable) impact on crime. They waste tens of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money. The "no questions asked" aspect eliminates the possibility...

Passively Constructed Negligent Discharge Story of the Day: Baltimore PD Edition

"A Baltimore police officer was injured at police headquarters on Sunday after a gun the officer was handling during an evening roll call meeting fired," The Baltimore Sun reports. "Emergency responders were...

NSFW: Colorado Cops Shoot [Allegedly] Dangerous Dog Five Times

"It's difficult to tell from the video whether the dog was charging at three or simply trying to get out of the garage," opines, "but it is at this point the officer...

RoboCop Is Coming

13 I haven't been able to find a video of a Boston Dynamics robot shooting a gun. I suspect they've been there, done that but don't want to scare the public. I'm not sure this...

CHP Firearms Meltdown

What the California cops do to a confiscated Smith & Wesson 500 revolver shouldn't happen to a dog. Oh wait . . . Make the jump for the bad news report. Warning: the video...

Self-Defense Tip: SHOOT!

  "Southfield Police Chief Eric Hawkins said it's unclear why a 64-year-old Southfield man entered the police station today, shooting an officer before he was shot dead," reported. "Hawkins said his officers followed...