OR Supreme Court: Police Can’t Ask If a Person is Armed Without Cause

The Oregon Supreme Court has ruled that generic "officer safety" is not sufficient justification to ask individuals if they are armed. In a ruling this week, the court found that police officers may not...

Force Science Institute: The Truth About Police Killings

(Republished with permission from The Force Science Institute) In the wake of Ferguson and the anti-police firestorm that episode ignited, The Washington Post determined to do what no government agency had done: catalog the essential facts...

Anatomy of an Officer’s Defense in a High-Profile Shooting Pt. 2

By Attorney Scott Wood (Republished with permission from forcescience.org. Click here to read Part 1.) EDITOR’S NOTE: Last September in a volatile case that drew international attention, Betty Shelby , a white police officer in Tulsa, OK, was...

Police Shoot, Kill Aspiring Rap Artist Sleeping In Car. Justified? Excessive? [VIDEO]

The mainstream media says six Vallejo, California police officers shot aspiring rap artist Willie McCoy as he slept in his car. McCoy had passed out with a stolen gun in his lap in a...

‘They’re Framing Me’: Don’t Trust A Drug-Addled Lunatic [VIDEO]

Pittsburg, California police responded to an admittedly drug-addled man's call to 9-1-1 spouting all manner of nonsense including a report of an alleged kidnapping. It turns out that the man, 32-year-old Kerdell Lillard, made...

Man Tries to Steal Pistol From CCW Classroom, Stabs Cop, Gets Shot 14 Times

Police in Las Vegas released video of the death of a would-be thief who tried to steal a handgun from a bag under a table in a concealed carry class. Marvin Payton then attacked...

Idaho Falls Resident Mistakenly Shot and Killed By Police While Searching For Fleeing Suspect

Police in Idaho are investigating themselves after they shot a homeowner who was armed with a pistol in his own back yard while searching for a criminal suspect. As of now, the bodycam footage...
Gregory Paul Ulrich Clinic Shooting Minnesota

Police Issued MN Clinic Killer a Gun Purchase Permit Despite Restraining Order, Mental Incompetency

From the Associated Press . . . A man charged with murder in a shooting at a Minnesota medical clinic bought the handgun he used in the attack with a permit from the local police department, even...
national gun control confiscation

Red Flag Law Extension Bill Reveals New Mexico Democrats Believe in Schrödinger’s Cops

HB 193, a bill that would expand New Mexico's current red flag law, passed its first committee hurdle on Saturday with a party-line vote. While it won't surprise anyone to see anti-gun Democrats to...
Wake County Sheriff Gerald Baker

Judge Rules North Carolina Gun Owners Can Sue for Damages After Covid Pistol Purchase...

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . A U.S. District Court Judge in North Carolina has ruled that plaintiffs in a case challenging last year’s “temporary suspension” of accepting and processing pistol purchase permits...
Illinois State Police

SAF Sues Illinois State Police for Failing to Process Concealed Carry Permit Applications

From SAF . . . The Second Amendment Foundation today filed a federal lawsuit today against the head of the Illinois State Police and the agency’s Firearms Services Bureau chief, alleging they have allowed the...

Woman Smuggles NAA Mini Revolver Into Jail in Shocking Fashion

North American Arms makes some pretty small revolvers.  Suitable for deep cover (Jeremy carries one in his hat).  Or, in the case of a woman in Boone County, Missouri, deep-deep cover.  Amy Wilhite, 39,...