Self-Defense Tip: How Not To Shoot an Off-Duty Cop

20 What are the odds of taking out a Belker? Well here's some sobering info courtesy Sgt. Michael Harding of the Tactics & Survival Training Unit in Los Angeles County. "During early evolutions of our force-on-force active-shooter training, we...

OMG! It’s a Gun! A Radar Gun! OMG!

"'An alert had been broadcast following a report of a man pointing a gun at passing traffic,' said police spokesman Joel DeSpain. 'The first responding officer drew his duty weapon and stood behind...

Waukesha Police Fire “Dozens” of Rounds at 76-Year-Old. And Miss.

10 This story's a bit elderly by TTAG standards, but I'm trying to clear my inbox, which has never looked so empty. Not that it's empty. Just relatively empty. Unlike the guns of the Waukesha Police,...

Question of the Day: Are Pro-Gun Pols Sell Outs?

  Starting today, Oklahoma's open carry law is open for business. Huzzah! That said, only citizens with a concealed carry permit can openly carry a firearm in the Sooner State. Oh, and tells us...

What Could Possibly Go Wrong: Car Holster Edition


New From SIG Sauer: The SMG

19 has the scoop on SIG Sauer's brand new SMG they're working on. In a world dominated by the H&K MP5 its going to be a tough sell to get organizations to switch over...

Safety Tip: Stop When Being Chased by a Texas DPS Chopper

“'This is going to get big really, really fast,' a local law enforcement official said of the DPS incident. 'You have a law enforcement official shooting at an unarmed alien. This is not an...

Big Sandy’s Comin’ – Lessons from Katrina

It's happening again. Random atmospheric events are combining to put the smackdown on a good portion of the country, this time aiming for the Northeast. As a former resident of Florida who's weathered several...

Chicago Cops Deploy Shot Spotter. Again. Still.

  In its ongoing, increasingly desperate and obviously ineffective attempt to stem the rising tide of gun violence, Chicago's throwing everything against the proverbial wall. Well, not everything. Kidnapping and torture are now off the...

Off-Duty NYPD Shot Cop Stays in the Fight

From TTAG reader Hasdrubal: After the often poorly regarded NYPD shooting of a murder suspect at the Empire State Building---in which nine innocent bystanders were wounded---it is refreshing to see another incident with the...

Deal Revealed on CT State Police Switch to .45 SIG SAUER P220

  After reading TTAG's post James Yeager: .40's suck, the Connecticut State Police are trading in their .40 caliber SIG SAUER P229 semi-automatic pistols for .45 caliber P220 SIGs. Just kidding. Although we received official confirmation of...

FBI Tactical Team Patrols Brookfield After WI Spree Killing

According to the photo caption on this Reuters image at, "Federal investigation- An FBI tactical team patrols outside the Brookfield Square mall in Brookfield, Wisconsin, after the shooting at the Azana Spa." Who...