Fresno PD Chief Dyer holds an AR15 (courtesy

Fresno CA Police: Taking Guns Off the Street Reduced Crime Rate [VIDEO]

"Officers are using technology and tips from the community to get weapons off the streets," reports. "The result, according to the police chief, is a noticeable reduction in violent crime in all categories."...
Derek Meyer (courtesy

Utah Concealed Carrier Stops a Beat Down of a Cop: Defensive Gun use of...

"Just before 2 p.m., an officer spotted a pair of feet dangling from a Tabitha’s Way donation bin along Main Street in Springville," reports. "He pulled over and asked the person to get...

Tampa Sunoco Clerk’s Real Gun Beats Robber’s Pellet Gun: Defensive Gun Use of the...

In the early morning hours of Friday, 9 February, 2018, an armed robber attempted to rob a Sunoco gas station in Tampa, Florida. The clerk had a firearm of his own. The clerk fired...
FBI Agent Robert Lasky (courtesy

FBI: Here’s Why We Failed to Locate Nikolas Cruz Before His Attack [VIDEO]

Speaking at a press conference this afternoon, FBI Agent Rob Lasky explained the agency's failure to find and interview Parkland Florida spree killer Nikolas Cruz before his attack, after a Mississippi bail bondsman told...

Mandalay Bay Revolver Revealed: Smith & Wesson 342 Airlite Ti

One of the leaked photographs from the Mandalay Bay shooter's suite shows a revolver he apparently used to commit suicide. From page 30 of the January 18, 2018,  initial report of the Team 2...
Laura Ingraham on Fox News (courtesy

Broward Deputies TOLD Not to Enter Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School?

"On Monday, Fox News host Laura Ingraham revealed in an exclusive that Broward County Sheriff's Deputies were supposedly told not to enter Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School unless they had body cameras on, which...

Florida High School Informs Parents of Averted Attack…One Year Later

Teachers and students at Astronaut High School in Titusville, Florida, are probably alive today because Sheriff Scott Israel and his intrepid men aren't in charge of ensuring their safety. An art teacher at the...

Judge Orders Release of Marjory Stoneman Douglas Shooting Security Video

Proudly incompetent Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel has delayed, deflected and stonewalled ever since it became apparent that his deputies bungled the response to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre on Valentine's Day....

BREAKING: Video of Response to Parkland School Shooting Released

From the Miami Herald: "Citing “strong public interest,” a Broward judge last week ordered public release of the four video clips from the surveillance system at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High. The clips do not...
Broward county sheriff scott israel fired

Sheriff Israel Suspends Deputy Found Sleeping at Parkland High School

Never let it be said that Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel doesn't take swift and decisive action when events or individuals under his command challenge the illusion of the "amazing leadership" he paints of...

Police Shootings Triggered by Subject’s Demeanor, Not Race

Force Science Institute writes:  It’s all about a subject’s demeanor—not about race, ethnicity, or attire—when encounters with police escalate to violence, according to a new study from Washington State U . . . Activist groups and mainstream...

Pulse Nightclub Shooter’s Father Was An FBI Informant – Report

The Intercept's Glenn Greewald is tweeting reports that Seddique Matteen has been revealed to be an FBI informant. Who is Seddique Matteen? He's the father of Omar Matteen who murdered 49 people at the...