The Definition of a Crime Gun

Let's be clear about this: the Washington Post and the mainstream media have not been clear about the definition of a "crime gun." And yet a proper explanation of the term is crucial to...

Can Australian Gun Rights be Saved?

Short answer: no. The reason that I say this is not because of how the Australian police reacted to a 12-year-old playing with a toy rifle in his own backyard. Reading the report...

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Frees Brian Aitken [Left]

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has commuted the seven-year prison sentence of Brian Aitken, freeing the Garden State native in time for Christmas. Aitken was convicted of various weapons charges relating to a trio...

“If you pull a gun, or point a gun, at an Orlando police officer,...

"The Orlando Police Department's year-end review of success and challenges came with a warning from Chief Val Demings for potential cop-killers," reports. "If you pull a gun, or point a gun, at an Orlando police...

Keep Those Hands in Plain Sight at All Times

0 This info from the Force Science Institute's email blast tells us two things. First, if you become a person of interest to the police, keep your hands in plain sight at all times. And...

New Study: Police Firearms Training Sucks

15 Just got an email blast from A new study by Dr. Gregory Morrison finds law enforcement training woefully inadequate. The former officer and firearms instructor, now an associate CJ professor at Indiana's Ball State...

SHOT Show: Baker Ballistics Shields Shield Active Shooter Shooters

As you might imagine, as school administrators should imagine, confronting a potential active shooter inside a school is about as dicey a proposition as you can get without sleeping on a craps table. Tactically,...

SHOT Show: StressVest Tests Police Perseverance

4 At the risk or suggesting that early encounters with corporal punishment left me scarred (and glad of it), there's something slightly kinky about this product. "The StressVest has an adjustable pain penalty," the brochure...

“We don’t have any data, but there seems to be a type of criminal...

Whoa! A criminal with an authority problem? Whatever happened to those cheeky lads who used to say "Oh dear! Looks like I've been nicked! Oh well, it's a fair cop." is, once again,...

Scientific American: Socialism Stops Gun Deaths

It's not very scientific and it sure ain't American. But John Horgan at just up and goes for it in a rant entitled A modest proposal for curbing homicides: Socialism. Well, not at first....