Who Polices the Police?

  "Two weeks before Spokane police Officer Barry O’Connell’s daughter accidently shot herself Easter Sunday with her father’s department-issued pistol," spokesman.com reports, "O’Connell had completed a gun safety refresher course stressing the importance of...

Texas DPS SOG Picks the SIG SAUER 1911 TACOPS

No, the caps lock isn't stuck. DPS SOG? That's Department of Public Safety, Special Operations Group to you and me. And SIG wants you to know that the Texas Rangers won't be carrying some...

OR’s Armed Posses Displace Police

  "In a rural community like this, we all know each other, and we're all related." I'm hoping that doesn't mean what it seems to mean. 'Cause Carol Dickson's comment about the efficacy of her...

NYPD Issues “Tactical Awareness Bulletin”

"After several fatal police shootings this year, a new memo sent out to police is asking that officers work on their firearm skills." Ah. We were wondering how many unarmed civilians had to eat...

Pro Tip: Don’t Attempt an Armed Robbery at a Police Station

Even in Australia. And especially if all you're holding is a knife (or as they say down there, a noif). As dailytelegraph.com.au reports, "... a man entered the foyer of Curtin House in Beaufort...

Self-Defense Tip: Carry Pepper Spray So You Don’t Have to Shoot A Dog

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeUid2gt-XU&feature=plcp "Quawan Branch, 9, described the attack by Memphis Police on his 1-year-old Labrador, named Pepper," wmctv.com reports. "'The police officer, he just came up and started shooting at my dog,' he said. Several children said they...

OMG! A Man with A Rifle! Taking it Into His House! OMG!

  Let's start at the end of this report by California's kcoy.com: "Isla Vista Foot Patrol and UC Police conducted a check off the area with a K9 unit. At about 7:00AM authorities detained the suspect and recovered the...

OKC Cops: Just Like You and Me, Only Better

Unfortunately, we've seen this kind of thing before: a gun owner experiences a bout of family drama. There's a gun involved and it, er, "goes off." What's more, the police determine that the dood...

Quote of the Day: Generally Speaking Edition

  "The information that we had did not have any juveniles in the house and did not have any juveniles in the room. We generally do not introduce these disorienting devices when they're present." - Billings...

What Could Possibly Go Wrong: North Lake College Active Shooter Drills

http://www.wfaa.com/templates/belo_embedWrapper.js?storyid=173061331&pos=top&swfw=470http://swfs.bimvid.com/bimvid_player-3_2_7.swf?x-bim-callletters=WFAAhttp://www.wfaa.com/templates/belo_embedWrapper.js?storyid=173061331&pos=bottom "Dozens of students at North Lake College in Irving feared for their lives on Friday. They heard gunfire and saw police inside the nursing building." Another maladjusted wacko running amok with a gun? Nope,...

Incendiary Image of the Day: I’ll Show That Cheating SOB Editon

Ain't social media grand? From wonkette.com: "Pictured above is Detroit internal affairs (heh?) officer Angelica Robinson, who tweeted this angsty self-portrait after finding out that her lover, Detroit Police Chief Ralph Godbee, was sexin’...

Ban No-Knock Raids

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVDr0yilHTA&list=UUQKgBZFuqIfUHlvroG24XSg&index=1&feature=plcp "Salt Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank has issued an apology after narcotics detectives raided the wrong home and pointed a gun at its 76-year-old female resident," sfgate.com reports. "Burbank said the woman was not injured when...