NYPD Officer Kills Unarmed National Guardsman

Business as usual at the NYPD. It had been almost five weeks since any unarmed citizens had been shot, but New York's finest remedied that when an officer the New York Post described as...

Quote of the Day: Cops Are Civilians Too Edition

"While we can look like soldiers, sound like soldiers and sometimes even train with soldiers, we're not soldiers (unless the individual officer has membership in National Guard or Reserve military components). These days, it...

TASER and LEOs: Closerthanthis [Video NSFW]

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaAu1n_efuU TASER has donated $300k to the International Association of Chiefs of Police Foundation's Fallen Officer Fund. (Press release after the jump.) That's hardly shocking news. For some reason, gun manufacturers like lavishing big bucks...

Will TASER AXON Flex Camera Keep Cops Honest?

http://swfs.bimvid.com/bimvid_player-3_2_7.swf?x-bim-callletters=KTVK The Internet and cell phone cameras have created a sea change in the public's perception of policing. And not necessarily in a good way. The "bad boyz" caught on camera are sometimes the Boys...

Wyoming Open Carry Case Cause for Concern?

  "A Wyoming sheriff’s deputy who detained a combat veteran in handcuffs for openly carrying a pistol offered to let him go if he agreed to let another deputy draw his weapon and shoot if...

OMG! Shotgun Shells! In My Garage! OMG!

"A Fairborn man who said he suffered second-degree burns to his right arm Monday when a shotgun shell exploded in his garage said he called police because he wanted to make sure nobody else...

To Shoot or Not to Shoot – That is the Question

It's been a tough couple of weeks for LEOs at TTAG. We've had ongoing discussions about police officers and how they're perceived by civvies in general and gun owners in particular. From our wildly...

Gun Owners and LEOs: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

By TTAG reader Matt N. I’ve read a lot lately about the disconnect between law enforcement and armed citizens.  The discussion seems to center on examples of police militarization versus cases of police heroism.  Police...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Unnamed Philly Airport Cop

http://cdn.abclocal.go.com/static/flash/embeddedPlayer/swf/otvEmLoader.swf?version=fw1000&station=wpvi&section=&mediaId=8822059&parentId=8821505&cdnRoot=http://cdn.abclocal.go.com&webRoot=http://abclocal.go.com&configPath=/util/&site= Thank God we have people in our biggest cities -- the police -- who are carefully trained and qualified to handle dangerous, only-meant-for-killing weaponry. Can you imagine the mayhem if we had, say, everyday...

LEO Shoots and Kills Double Amputee: One Cop’s POV

The following was written by a police officer and TTAG reader who we'll call TS: It would be easy and, in principle, correct to withhold final judgment in any officer involved shooting (OIS). Until all...

Rochester PD Chief: Gun Buybacks Suck, But Let’s Do It for the Inmates

Unusual clarity on the gun buyback question from, of all places, upstate New York at democratandchronicle.com: "Criminal justice experts from the U.S. Department of Justice, the National Academy of Sciences, Rochester’s current and former...

When Seconds Count the NYPD Are Only Nine Minutes Away

  "Figures released as part of the semiannual Mayor’s Management Report showed police response times slowed by 42 seconds to 9.1 minutes in the 2012 fiscal year, which ended on June 30," nypost.com reports....