ksl.com’s Officer Anonymous is a Phony

  I've been blogging for more than a decade. I know a troll when I am one. I mean, read one. And as much as I view the boys in blue through a red mist,...

UK Police Chiefs: We Don’t Want Guns

  Yesterday, two unarmed UK police officers died in a grenade and gun attack. The as-yet-unnamed perp murdered Pc Fiona Bone, 32, and Pc Nicola Hughes, 23; setting off a firestorm of firearms "debate." Needless to...

One LEO’s Perspective: What About The Heroism?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5GoCMWx26Y The following was intended as a comment by reader accur81 under our Is TTAG Anti-Cop post. Unfortunately, the vagueries of the WordPress spam filter prevented him from hitting his target. There are a couple of...

Housekeeping: Is TTAG Anti-Cop?

  At the bottom of yesterday's post on a trigger-happy Texas cop, MotoJB and Rydak expressed their revulsion at our anti-police bias. As is our policy, I deleted the anti-TTAG flames and created this post for a no-holds...

Garland TX Cop Fires 41 Rounds At Fleeing Felon

http://media.nbcdfw.com/designvideo/embeddedPlayer.swf Two NYPD beat cops caused a bit of a stir recently when they wounded nine innocent bystanders on a busy Manhattan Street. Imagine what would have happened if it had been a civilian, gun...

Virginia Contemplating Allowing EMTs to Carry Guns

Its no secret that I've spent a good portion of my nights since graduating college in the back of an ambulance. In fact, there's no place I'd rather be most nights. But with that...

NYPD ND Kills Clerk Fleeing Felony

According to nydailynews.com, "An unarmed Bronx bodega worker fleeing a botched armed robbery at his uncle’s store was accidentally shot dead by a police officer early Friday, cops said. While witnesses said Reynaldo Cuevas was...

The Truth About Philly Po-Po’s Gun Room

  Yesterday's philly.com published Eye-opening visit to city’s Gun Room reveals scope of problem. And what problem might that be? Wait. Don't tell me. Gun control? Yup. Daily News Editor Page Editor Sandra Shea reckons...

Mexico: We’ll Punish Police Who Ambushed CIA

  The police officers who fired on a U.S. Embassy SUV and wounded two officials from that country will be punished “upon confirmation of the excessive use of force,” the Mexican Public Safety Secretariat...

Incendiary Image of the Day: Say Hello to Oleg Volk’s Little Friends Edition

Ace photographer Oleg Volk's latest agit-prop poster serves a stark warning to the police: no-knock raids are a big no-no at the Volk household. "If courts don’t stop no-knock home invasions, bullets and other...

Quote of the Day: Who Needs a .50 BMG Bull-Pup Sniper Rifle Edition

"Given the real-world capabilities of the caliber, the question remains whether law enforcement needs it. The answer is a resounding yes, depending on the agency. Does every agency need one? Of course not—that is...

MD Cop’s Pistol Whip ND Coverup Revealed

A TTAG reader writes: "The quick and dirty : cop says that teen was an aggressive youth who had swung at him and had reached for his gun, at which point he fired his...