OK K9 Law: Some Dogs Are More Equal Than Others

"In Oklahoma, killing a K9 is classified as a misdemeanor charge. That means whoever’s responsible could face up to a year in jail and $1,000 worth of fines" 5Newsonline.com reports. Following the shooting death of...

SD County Sheriff Response to Homeowner Shooting: Silence

It was a dark and stormy night. OK, it wasn't stormy, but it was dark when San Diego County Sheriff deputies responded to a report of a suspicious man wearing a ski mask in...

South African Police Fire on Striking Miners

The New York Times reports that "South Africa’s police commissioner defended the actions of officers who opened fire on miners a day earlier in an episode that, she said, killed 34 people and...

FBI: Cops Don’t Shoot Civilians As Often As They Could, Legally

 Two FBI guys, one Maryland State cop and an aspiring law enforcement officer want you to know that cops exercise a lot of restraint. They don't always shoot people when they could. As my...

Prison Guards Training with Kel-Tec KSG Shotguns

According to Kel-Tec the US Corrections-Special Operations Group (US C-SOG) is a "full time corrections special operations government contractor with a solid reputation built on 20 years of dependable experience in the field. US C-SOG...

New Haven Bar Prez-to-Be Arrested With Gun in Movie Theater

Ah yes. Sung-Ho Hwang decided to take in a late showing of The Dark Knight Rises last night. He also decided - seeing as how the movie wasn't scheduled to let out until about...

Albuquerque NM Cops Shoot In-Car Sting Suspect

Far be it for me to second guess the tactics used in a police undercover narcotics bust. But really, why would a cop approach a car wherein other cops are busy conducting a drug...

Would You Buy a Gun from a Store that Gave Your Name to the...

Ammoland.com ran a story on a Wisconsin gun shop that has, since 2009, been handing the names of its customers over to the local constabulary, allowing The Man to look for criminals. Brew City Shooters Supply (BCSS) in...

Galveston TX Life Guards Armed and Dangerous

http://cdn.abclocal.go.com/static/flash/embeddedPlayer/swf/otvEmLoader.swf?version=fw1000&station=ktrk&section=&mediaId=8761379&parentId=8761378&cdnRoot=http://cdn.abclocal.go.com&webRoot=http://abclocal.go.com&configPath=/util/&site= The expansion of police powers to quasi-governmental "auxiliary" groups is a worrying trend. One that's sure to continue as cash-strapped cities and towns try to balance the need to maintain feet on the beat...

Texas Trucking Company Wants Compensation for DEA “Botched Sting”

"The DEA is running neck-and-neck with the ATF for the title of most dangerous federal law-enforcement agency; in my view, both should be dissolved and their responsibilities handed over to some more responsible party,...

Off-Duty Cop Refuses To Stop Robbery In Progress, So Shopkeeper Takes Care Of Business

When a Portland man walked into a lunchtime robbery in progress at a downtown Central Drugs store (pictured), he backed out and flagged down an officer driving a marked Portland Police Bureau cruiser a...