Guns Found in Desert Not Part of Fast & Furious. Probably. Maybe.

When three rusty rifles were found in the desert in Santa Cruz County, Arizona, south of Tucson on the Mexican border, the local sheriff wondered if they might be some of the two thousand...

Quote of the Day: A LEO Who Gets It Edition

“The people getting licenses don’t concern me. It’s the people without licenses who concern me.” Williams County (ND) Sheriff Scott Busching when asked about the recent increase in concealed carry licences

LA Police Chief Charlie Beck Caught Cooking the Books

"Last year, as the number of police shootings soared, Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck repeatedly gave his bosses and the public an explanation: Officers were discharging their weapons more because they were...

Annals of Police Militarization: Evansville SWAT Raids Wrong House Over Internet ‘Threat’

Reader Enzo sends this gem: From "The long-standing, heavily documented militarization of even small-town American police forces was always going to create problems when it met anonymous Internet threats. And so it has, again—this...

OMG OMG! It’s a Water Gun! With Water in it! OMG!

In a reckless example of the latest uber-dangerous summer fad, four lawless yoots drove past an innocent girl and her younger brother standing on a street corner, dousing the two with a searing stream...

How Not to Arrest a Cop

  AP: "Police learned about a possible inappropriate relationship between the girl and  Covarrubias two days before the shooting. The girl told investigators she had sex with Covarrubias and agreed to participate in a ruse...

Obscure Object of Desire: Baker Batshield with QuickDon

Rick Baker (of has improved his Batshield. Am I wrong for wanting one? Robert - the head goes through the loop created by the QuikDon (on the shield's interior photo after the jump). As...

Obama Administration Defends Holding a Gun to 11 Year-Old’s Head

"The agents entered the 14-year-old girl’s room first, shouting “Get down on the fucking ground.” The girl, who was lying on her bed, rolled onto the floor, where the agents handcuffed her. Next they...

Have Dogs Decided It’s Time to Shoot Back?

With all the instances of SWATties and regular beat cops shooting dogs seemingly at every opportunity, you have to figure the word's starting to get around within the dog community. One pooch in western...

ACLU Sues to Get RI Man His Guns

The ACLU has been known---notorious in some circles---for being fairly selective about the civil liberties they choose to defend. But if you're in the business of upholding constitutional rights, playing favorites and choosing to...

Chicago Top Cop on Shooting Binge: The Murder Rate is Doing Just Fine

Maybe Windy City politicians should just stay away from microphones. If you hadn't heard, Chicago had yet another rough weekend homicidally speaking. The latest tally: 8 dead, 46 injured. When it comes to blood...