What I Learned About Active Shooter Shooting at SIG SAUER. So Far . ....

Day one of SIG SAUER's three day Active Shooter course was dedicated to introducing me to me. Specifically what I can and can not do with a pistol and a rifle. After a brief...

Self-Defense Tip: Training vs. Experience

Written by Greg Ellifritz. Republished with permission from activeresponsetraining.net Most people “know” that criminal attackers don’t take formal training classes and they assume that if an honest citizen has a couple of good training classes under his...

Why You Will Always Have to Take Your Shoes Off at Airports

There are so many things wrong with the security theater performed at airports it's hard to know where to focus one's ire. You could zoom in on granny molestation, or zoom out and wonder...

So Much for Unarmed British Bobbies

TTAG reader Jonathan Miller writes from France: "Remember the old story about the sweet British bobby? Armed only with a truncheon and a helmet out of the keystone cops. Englishmen of a certain age will...

Quote of the Day: Gaping Maw Edition

"When you get out of a car with (a shotgun) and you hear the sound of the racking action, everyone knows the next thing you're going to hear is an exceptionally large bang. It's...

OMG OMG! It’s a Hunk of Blue Metal! OMG!

AI member Tyler relays a tale of wanton death and destruction that was only narrowly averted by the vigilance of our friends who work for the Transportation Safety Administration. We're not sure what Tyler...

ATF to Predict Gun Crime in US, UK and Canada

This just in from our ATF info wars guy Ike: "The Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms bureau wants to use technology to help predict where gun crime may unfold, and eventually work to prevent it...

Liquid Body Armor?

"A company called BAE Systems is using a liquid technology that, theoretically, would make any Kevlar vest stronger," kpho.com reports, following-up on a story about a Phoenix police officer whose Custom Armor Technologies model...

When Seconds Count: All Our Operators are Busy Edition

Just wow. A couple of boneheads were in my neighborhood riding their motor cycles up and down the sidewalk. Definitely annoying, and not the kind of thing I want going on around here. Rather...

Quote of the Day: Heaven Forfend Edition

"Last November, the House passed a bill that, as Gail Collins put it in a column, requires 'states with strict gun regulations to honor concealed-weapon carry permits issued in states where the gun rules are...

Why No-Knock Warrants Suck

There's nothing wrong with a no-knock warrant--at least in theory. The cops know some bad guy is holed-up inside a house or apartment. A really bad guy. Someone they know is armed and dangerous....

Four NYC Cops Recovering from Gunshots, But Why?

That's Detective Kenneth Ayala headed home from the hospital yesterday. He was one of four of New York's finest who were shot by Nakwon Foxworth when the NYPD Emergency Service Unit stormed his apartment....