Quote of the Day: Open Challenge Edition

“I don’t agree that people should be allowed to carry a weapon openly. I have instructed my officers to challenge anyone they see carrying a weapon openly to make sure that they have the...

What if these DC Undercover Cops Got the Wrong Man?

The Washington Post is, surprisingly, contemplating the wisdom of carrying a firearm for self-defense. The article accompanying this video doesn't quite get there. And there's something very wrong about the events shown above. More...

TASER’s AXON Video System Gets Flak

Behold the face of 21st century law enforcement. The officer above sports TASER's latest foray into police accountability: a hook-up between the stun gun maker's AXON Flex video recording system and Oakley's Flak Jacket eyewear. TASER reckons...

In Defense of . . . the TSA

Following is an extended comment in response to the post OMG! A Speargun! On a Plane!: My comment in the recent "OMG...on a plane" post reminded me of an incident I want to share with...

NY Gov Cuomo’s $2m “Anti-Gun” Initiative

“These initiatives will give communities the tools they need to effectively fight gun violence and reduce crime," New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced yesterday,"making the state a safer and better place to live...

Wilmington NC PD Shotgun Raffle–But Not For You

  "A handful of lucky Wilmington (NC) police officers will be going home with an antique shotgun," yellowtape.blogs.starnewsonline.com reports, inaccurately. A simple Google search would have revealed that under United States Code, Title 18, Section...

Local Sheriff Replies to Concealed Carry License Holder

You may recall my earlier post, A Concealed Carry License Holder Writes his Local Sheriff, where I queried my county sheriff, Pat Garrett, about how interactions between armed citizens and LEOs (Law Enforcement Officials)...

UK Police: We Need TASERs. You? Who Said Anything About You?

The UK's Metropolitan Police Federation's (MPF) is bitching and moaning about the Home Office's decision not to equip its members with TASERs. Remembering that The Land of Hope and Glory has disarmed its citizens, here's...

The .9mm Trend Spreads to Flyover Country

The people in charge of hiring LEOs in the Canton, Ohio area may want to review their screening processs. Canton is, of course, home to everyone's favorite former beat cop, Daniel Harless. Now comes...

FBI Chainsaw Oops

TTAG's been highlighting the militarization of the post 9/11 law enforcement community. The argument for assault cops: if you haven't done anything wrong you have nothing to fear. The argument against assault cops: if you...

NSW (AU): Restrict Ammo Sales to Stop Drive-Bys

Gun rights advocates oppose seemingly sensible new gun control regulation by deploying the slippery slope argument. For example: if we "close the gun show loophole" and force all private gun sellers to pay for...

The One Gun That I’d Ban

I was heading back from the range last night. I pulled up behind a cop waiting at a red light. A few seconds later, the police officer switched on his cherries, drove through the...