Self Defense Tip: Know Your Local Laws

The Culver’s Five outcome brought a similar story to mind, and this one happened to me a few years ago. There I was, peacefully minding my own business (as I so often am when...

‘Culver’s Five’ Collect $10K From Madison Taxpayers

You may remember the case of the 'Culver's Five,' a group of men legally open carrying in Madison Wisconsin who were surrounded by MPD cops. Two of the five refused to produce their IDs...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Unidentified Ohio Muzzleloader

A 15-year-old Amish girl is dead this afternoon thanks to a careless and lazy shooter. WCPO reports: A man cleaning his muzzle-loading rifle shot the gun into the air, accidentally killing a 15-year-old Amish girl...

Las Vegas Review Journal: AR15s Shooting Unarmed Suspects

  The vast majority of American AR-15 owners don't use their rifle(s) to kill people or commit crimes. What was true before the Clinton-era Assault Weapons Ban---most criminals use handguns for concealability---is true now. So...

“Those Are Good Burgers, Walter” (Video NSFW)

11 I've never had the pleasure of sampling an In-N-Out Burger burger, but they sure seem to have a have a devoted following. So devoted, in fact, that cops had to shoo drive-thru customers away...

Quote of the Day: Caleb Giddings Gets All Empirical Edition

“Gosh”, said I, “the trigger pull on this gun is anything but light. Maybe the NYPD should teach their (officers) to not put their fingers on the triggers of their guns all the time!”...

U.K. Police To Test Blinding Laser For Crowd Control

It may look like one, but this crude graphic (courtesy of the venerable Beeb) does not depict a scoped bullpup bipod-mounted can of ultra-pasteurized whipped cream.  It's actually a very crude CGI illustration of...

Incompetent Gun Handler of the Day: N.J. Phillips

Ah yes. More deft LEO gun handling skills were on display at a security checkpoint at Hartsfield-Jackson International in Atlanta yesterday. Another Rhodes scholar candidate tried to slip a loaded .22 through a TSA...

Run That By Me Again: Whitewash Edition

"During the struggle to take the suspect into custody, the suspect struck one of the officer’s handguns, causing the gun to fire,"  Pratt wrote in a statement released to the press, reported by

New York Times Suddenly Notices Police Militarization

To which we can only chuckle and reply, "Ya think?" We've been yakking about the militarization of policing here for a while. Sending SWATties out to serve what used to be run-of-the-mill search warrants,...

Going Postal: ‘Active Shooter’ at Montgomery Post Office

It was just Monday that we highlighted a lawsuit filed by a Colorado couple who want to be able to carry their concealed weapons when they pick up their mail. The federal guvmint doesn't...

Thespian Survival Tip: Drop the Damned Gun

There are probably more gun-friendly cities that San Francisco. But it doesn't matter what city you're filming in, if a bunch of cops charge in with guns drawn and yelling at you to drop...