Bad Law Enforcement Advice of the Day: Colorado Springs Edition

You hear it so often it must be printed in police department handbooks. "Just give the robber what he wants. It's not worth getting hurt over a few dollars." Would the same cops who...

Annals of Open Carry: Death Wish Edition

What are the odds that someone could walk into a Chicago police station holding a loaded AR, declare martial law and not be either repeatedly ventilated, billy-clubbed to a bloody pulp or even charged...

What’s Wrong With this Police Smith & Wesson M&P Requisition?

I heart the Smith & Wesson M&P .45. That said, if you buy the handgun in the Bay State it's hamstrung by the dreaded Massachusetts trigger---an action so heavy the Granby Charter Days Tractor...

Portland Cop Indicted In Mistaken Live Ammo Shooting

Dane Reister, the Portland cop who accidentally shot a fleeing suspect with live ammo instead of beanbags last June, has been indicted by a grand jury. It's the first time a Portland police officer's...

This incident from Greene County in my beloved home state of Missouri . ....

100 "Tammy Robinette made several huge errors in judgment while driving in Greene County on the night of October 4," reports. "Drinking and driving was a big one. That caused a sheriff's deputy to pull her over. But...

Self-Defense Tip: How to Handle a Routine Police Stop

Before I became a law enforcement officer I had a concealed carry permit. During the mandatory safety course, the instructor encouraged us to disclose the fact that we had a firearm in the car...

Kids Play With Toy Gun, Parents Lectured by Local Cops

A near pants-soiling situation for local law enforcement took place on the highways of Southern California earlier this week when a motorist spied what turned out to be a toy M16 in a passing...

Irresponsible Gun Owner Of The Day: Detective Ed Owens

Hypothetically speaking, what would you do if you left your gun safe open for three days, your three-year-old son gained access to a loaded gun and shot himself in the head? How would you...

Cop Staples Finger While Shooting, Claims Lifetime Disability

We like cops here at TTAG. Honest we do. But when so many of them provide such a target rich environment - so to speak - you just gotta take note. Are your state's...

Quote of the Day: “The Cadillac Of Shotguns” Edition

"The $18,000 price tag for the shotguns was paid for with a Recovery Justice Assistance Grant, federal money designed to help equip law enforcement while stimulating the economy." - on the funding for Portland...

West Covina Officials Furious at Police Harassment Video

12 reports that West Covina CA City Councilman Mike Touhey and Councilwoman Shelley Sanderson are none too happy about a video satirizing police harassment that clearly shows their town's cops and cars. Touehy and Sanderson...

Two Tales of Golden State Hopolohobia

First, a story worthy of Caddyshack from the "A San Diego County sheriff's deputy, responding to an emergency call Thursday from San Marcos residents about an 'armed suspicious person' in their neighborhood, shot at...