Fusaro: Santa Rosa CA Cops Shouldn’t Demo Guns for Kids

  I used to speak to kids at school assemblies. I talked about the importance of staying in school and looking both ways before you cross the road. OK, it wasn't that boring. Especially during...

Brits Sleep Easier Knowing They’re Safe From Super Soakers

The London Metro Police took a fair amount of criticism during the recent riots. So did other constabularies around England. Store and home owners who saw their property damaged or destroyed weren’t impressed by...

Santa Rosa Cops Arm Neighborhood Children, Alarm Community

No good deed goes unpunished. Santa Rosa's police force participated in a street festival in the town's South Park (Oh my God, they killed Kenny!) neighborhood. The SWATties were there, too. They brought along...

Self-Defense Tip: Take a Cop to the Range

  Other than a home invasion by a Sinaloa Cartel hit squad and/or their CIA amigos, getting shot by the police is my greatest firearms-related fear. Living in a city where concealed carry is only slightly...

Norwegian Spree Killer Anders Breivik Shows Police How He Did It

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlxAhYyclfQ&feature=player_embedded In the aftermath of the spree killing that left 69 people dead and scores wounded, the Norwegian police have returned Anders Breivik to the scene of the crime. The Daily Mail also reports that...

Oakland Cops Draw Guns at “Non-Threats” 28 Percent of the Time

  "A recent study found that Oakland police officers drew their guns and pointed them at individuals who did not present a threat 28 percent of the time," mercurynews.com reports. "The analysis came from Robert...

New Haven Cops [Not Shown] Deploy Colt M4s in Squad Cars

  Some civilians accept cops' contention that they're "out-gunned" by perps. Why not give officers access to a modern home defense black sporting rifle (a.k.a., "assault rifle"). Never mind the fact that police miss their...

Question of the Day: Should Cops Sell Guns?

Cop shops confiscate hundreds of guns a month in their localities as evidence in crime investigations. What happens after that is all over the board. Everything from death by smelter to trading them to...

Corpus Christi Cops Can’t Get to Grip with Glocks

"Six years ago the department used nearly 400-thousand dollars in confiscated drug money to buy 450 new semi-automatic pistols. Now another upgrade appears to be on the way," kiiitv.com reports. "The police department...

Three Taser Deaths Jolt Police Departments

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riCu3LJOgmk The President isn’t the only person who had a bad weekend. The folks who make Tasers are doing some fancy bobbing and weaving too after three people died as a result of being Tasered...

Geek Has a Flare for Surveillance

I'm sure there's some reason why Joshua Marpet's invention won't work. Or if it does work, why hidebound police departments won't adopt it. Whether or not the Flarecam finds commercial success, you've got to admit...

ATF Elite Ammunition Raid Revealed

  The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and Really Big Fires) is in serious trouble. The scandal surrounding Operation Fast and Furious has revealed a federal law enforcement agency actively engaged in a...