Self-Defense Tip: Always Call 911 After Brandishing Your Gun

  Earlier today, TTAG scribe Daniel Zimmeran reported that a Baltimore City Councilman told his constituents to enhance police response time by telling the 911 operator there's a gun involved in their emergency---even when there...

What Could Possibly Go Wrong: Phony 911 Gun Call Edition

Robert Curran, a Baltimore city councilman, is advocating his constituents break the law. That's right, when making a 911 emergency call, Curran told people at a recent community meeting to claim "there's a gun...

ATF Investigating Tommy Lee and Bret Michaels Shoot

Sometimes you just can’t catch a break. No matter what you think, the rock and roll lifestyle’s not an easy one. Have you seen Keith Richards? Traveling all the time. Never knowing what city...

Second Dashcam Video of Canton Cop Daniel Harless: “I will send you both to...

I'm trying to embed the latest video of Canton, Ohio police officer Daniel Harless doing his f-bomb best to combine anger mismanagement with perp control. Meanwhile, click here to watch more of the professional...

Canton City Council Prez More Upset About Gun Laws Than Irate Cop

79 When Canton, OH Police Officer Daniel Harless distinguished himself during a recent traffic stop, the whole sorry scene was, fortunately, caught on his dashcam video.  As you probably know by now, the video went...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Officer Ryan Metz

It’s an unfortunate fact that in any large population of gun owners, a certain small percentage of them either won’t know enough or refuse to store their firearms responsibly. The results of which are...

When Seconds Counted, the Norwegian Police Were Only 60 Minutes Away


Canton, OH Cop Daniel Harless Abuses CCW License Holder

59 A few weeks back, we highlighted the courteous and professional conduct of officer Matt Lyons. Well, for each yin there's a yang. For every good there's a bad. For every Jedi there's...some guy wearing...

Calling Foghorn: Deconstruct Cop Gun Death Stat STAT

Stats can kill. Rational analysis. Whenever you see a stat-based MSM story, you can bet that someone somewhere is trying to "sell" a particular point of view. For example, this from "Police officer...

Ohio Proposed Bill Would Arm EMTs – Is That Really a Good Idea?

It seems like in these troubled economic times, more and more people are calling for EMTs to go above and beyond the call of duty. Which we're perfectly happy to do, within reason. What...

Police Officers Shoot Each Other as They Try to Arrest Child Porn Suspect

By now, you probably know that the the final Harry Potter flick, which opened Thursday, raked in more money than any other first weekend in movie history. It also attracted a lot of people...

Mexico Under Martial Law. Still.

  Since taking office in 2006, Mexican president Felipe Calderon has replaced local law enforcement with federal troops armed with U.S. firearms, loyal to him. Only the most politically naive would accept the move as a...