FBI: Stun Gun on Boston-to-NJ Flight Wasn’t a Terrorist Attack

  Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! A stun gun on a plane! A stun gun! On a plane! Terrorists. Terrorists could use a stun gun on a plane to take control...

“Rising from his seat at the witness stand in a New Orleans courtroom, Michael...

  Every single day of the year, the police protect and serve the public. Although I think there are too many of them and they've been militarized unnecessarily, I reserve the right to change my...

Fort Smith AR Cops Scam New ARs from Taxpayers

  In case you hadn't noticed, the U.S. has too many cops (and not enough armed citizens). What's more, the police have become militarized. Like a gun on the wall at the beginning of a...

Denver PD Officer Fired for Using Unauthorized Tracer Rounds

The Denver PD fired officer Robert Fitzgibbons last month over an incident that took place last July. Let no one say the city or DPD rushed to judgement on this one. The problem? Fitzgibbons...

Is This the Beginning of the End for .40 Caliber?

I don't get .40 caliber. More recoil than a 9mm, smaller holes than a .45. Less capacity than a nine, more "snap" than a .45. I carry a .45. But if I had to...

Law Enforcement, Like Politics, Ain’t Beanbag

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN6075e3miA It's been a "less lethal" day here at TTAG. Which is how we like it. First the taser discussion, and now beanbags. Only one problem. If you're going to shoot beanbags from your shotgun,...

Seattle Police Officer Displays Marksmanship. Or Lack Thereof.

"The incident occurred after two groups left a lounge at Seventh Avenue South and South Lane Street," seattlepi.com reports. "The officer was in a parking lot and watched as the groups wandered into the middle of Seventh...

In Defense of . . . SWAT

From TTAG Commentator reaganmarine84: WTF is wrong with most of the people on this blog? Where has all this hostility for Law enforcement come from? You all sound like a bunch of 60′s hippies. Next thing...

British Woman Heading to Prison for Saying “Bang Bang”

What has happened to Britain? Sticks and stones can break my bones, but pointing your finger at me and saying 'bang bang' will send you to prison? Roger that. "A woman has admitted saying...

Self-Defense Tip: Don’t Unholster Your Gun for the Cops

http://cdn.abclocal.go.com/static/flash/embeddedPlayer/swf/otvEmLoader.swf?version=&station=wpvi&section=&mediaId=8210639&cdnRoot=http://cdn.abclocal.go.com&webRoot=http://abclocal.go.com&configPath=/util/&site= "Investigators say Crawley rushed to Rugby Street in Cedarbrook last Friday after his sister got into a fight with her boyfriend," abclocal.go.com reports. "Crawley was wearing a holstered gun. 'They tell the male not...

Pittsburgh Family Sues FBI Over Wrong Address SWAT Raid

We've documented the proliferation of no-knock SWAT raids and the militarization of what used to be everyday police work. It's even worse when the paramilitaries get their information wrong and knock down the wrong...

Question of the Day: Under What Conditions Would You Surrender Your Guns?

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFCLiij0CBA&version=3&hl=en_US] The video above concerns a controversy in Cedar Falls. The City Council is on the brink of mandating that owners of commercial buildings and apartment dwellings maintain a lock box so police, fire...