IN Man Jailed for Shooting Cops with His Finger

The LaPorte Medical School was founded in 1842. The mid-west's first teaching hospital opened its doors the same year that Dr. Crawford Long invented gas anesthesia---which took years (and another champion) to become accepted...

Hoplophobics Unite! Post-911 Paranoia is at Hand!

"A journalist smuggled a replica handgun into the European Parliament in Brussels as Prince Charles walked past him," reports. "Yann-Antony Noghes, reporting for French TV, slipped through an unguarded side door with the...

Question of the Day: Should Cops Destroy Confiscated Weapons?


Paul Markel: A ‘Warrior’ is Not A Thug

In a recent post, I interviewed Paul Markel. The Marine gun guru decried the woeful state of police gunfighting skills, berating the majority of forces for failing to embody the warrior spirit. Some commentators took Mr....

Iowa Police Chief: We Won’t Stop and Search CCW Holders. Unless We Do.

Every now and then, with great but no longer alarming regularity, the British Nanny State gently presses down on the jackboot lying across their subjects' throats. Individual freedoms within The Land of Hope and Glory have...

“Cops Win Gunfights Because They Show Up With Lots of Cops”

This morning, I read Paul Markel's column for Firearms Training Sanity Check; Why do we train the way we do? The answer: "Rather than examine or address any deficiencies in the curriculum or...

Australian Police Defend Taser Deployment

3 The Ozzies are not big fans of guns. Not for their largely disarmed populace and now, not for the police either. While I'm not shocked by the numbers of Taser deployments, I wonder if...

“Before the proliferation of such less-lethal techniques as CEDs, pepper spray and bean bag...

10 So Taser sends me a Tweet linking to Dr. Keith Wesley's study on Excited Delirium. That's the name given to the tendency of Tased perps to up and die on their police handlers. Unlike...

Why Did the N.C. Division of Alcohol Law Enforcement Buy 150 Kimber 1911s?

This story pushes so many of TTAG's buttons it makes Lt. Sulu look chronically under-employed. More than a few members of our Armed Intelligentsia sent me the link to this morning's, wherein we...

Discovery Channel “Kidnap and Rescue” Tomorrow, 9pm


Scientific American: Socialism Stops Gun Deaths

It's not very scientific and it sure ain't American. But John Horgan at just up and goes for it in a rant entitled A modest proposal for curbing homicides: Socialism. Well, not at first....

“We don’t have any data, but there seems to be a type of criminal...

Whoa! A criminal with an authority problem? Whatever happened to those cheeky lads who used to say "Oh dear! Looks like I've been nicked! Oh well, it's a fair cop." is, once again,...