“Clearly, rapid aggressive action by a single actor has been and is now the...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ13CZ4Hekg Ever since the massacre at Columbine, U.S. law enforcement officials have gradually realized that a responding officer facing what's called an "active shooter" (a.k.a. spree killer) can't wait for the SWAT team to arrive. The...

Latest on Videotaping Police

You may remember the Maryland case where a motorcyclist's helmet-cam recorded an undercover policeman emerging from his car with his gun drawn. The greatly embarrassed constabulary decided to go on the offense, charging the...

“You don’t want to approach someone with a knife. Good things don’t happen”

But what, pray tell, DO you do if you're a police officer and you have to separate a perp with a knife from his edged weapon? If you don't want to get sued...

Cops Can’t Shoot for You Know What

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuwHygZlWYE "Three Philadelphia police officers opened fire Saturday evening in Frankford and critically wounded a man after he appeared to pull a handgun." philly.com reports. While bloggers like Mikeb302000 worry about cops shooting unarmed civilians, I...

“I love my koi fish more than anything but I’d never point a loaded...

Austin Texas' SWAT team is feeling the heat, after swooping down on a suspected koi rustler. "Eric Philippus, 43, said 10 to 12 police officers came to search his house about 10 a.m. yesterday,...

“ShotSpotters” Detection System Does Sweet FA in Newark Killing

"A man was shot several times and killed outside the clothing store he owns in Newark’s South Ward today, marking the city’s third homicide in as many days," nj.com reports. "The victim was shot...

Oakland Braces for Race Riots Over Mehserle Verdict

BART cop Johannes Mehserle is accused of second degree murder in the shooting of African American Oscar Grant. Mehserle's defense: he meant to Tase Grant, not fire a 9mm bullet into his back. The...

Philadelphia Labor Lawyer Buys 100 Mossbergs for his Local Police

Since 2007, attorney James Binns' been buying motorcycles and bikes for the Philadelphia Police. According to philly.com, Binns' expanded CopWheels program has ponied-up some $10k for 100 Mossberg 12-gauge tactical shotguns. TTAG asked Binns if the...

Now Tell Us How Many Shell Casings The NYPD Recovered

And how many of these "recovered" guns were used in a gun crime. And why we would should be impressed by 1147 recovered guns in a city with hundreds of thousands of guns. Both...

Kelly Beemer: Be Careful What You Don’t Wish For

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4QHAwjRJWY Drunk and stupid go together like Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd-fun for awhile but eventually somebody ends up with a giant shotgun blast to the face. As human beings, we strive to beat the...

Maryland Police Pursue Video Biker Boy . . . And Others. Are We There...

I used to watch Max Headroom, starring Matt Frewer and Matt Frewer's voice, which depicted a not-too-distant future UK in which the police only restrained themselves from beating on reporters while the cameras were...

Guns and Lives Take Lives. And This is How Stats Are Manipulated

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHz9ILcIPTo At some unspecified expense to the country's beleaguered taxpayers, the South Yorkshire police (UK) run a program called "Guns and Knives Take Lives." (Yes, people wielding weapons take lives, not the weapons themselves. Can we...