Don’t Complain

"To get along, go along." Complaining about coworkers is a risky play. Management might discipline them, but you'll probably still have to work alongside them. They'll lose your files and badmouth you to everyone...

Lies, Damn Lies and Crime Statistics

Hey, isn't it great that crime is on the wane? We must be doing something right. Or are we? We can certainly pull up stats that say crime is going down. And we can...

Wired Weekend for Baltimore Police

I got myself a DVD set of The Wire for my birthday. The show was renowned for its gritty realism, and despite the violence, even my wife is transfixed by the stories and characters,...

Omaha Gun Amnesty Yields a Box of Broken Ass Guns

Gun amnesties are, of course, a farce. No criminal is his right mind---and what gun-wielding criminal is?---would walk up to a cop and turn in a perfectly good gun. Unless, of course, there was...

Merseyside Police Appeal for Firearms Informants

1 Handguns are banned in the U.K. And yet they haven't disappeared. Rats! Well, informants. That's what the Merseyside Police want to help them continue their anti-gun jihad. This is their PR appeal on that...

Gun Running Redefined

Retired cop Lindsey J. Bertomen is an instructor for the Administration of Justice at Hartnell College (Panther Pride!). He also writes for on fitness. Although Bertomen steadfastly refuses to condemn any of our full-figured friends in law...

Biker Faces Jail for Recording Gun-Wielding Undercover Cop

1 Crap. The cop got caught over-reacting, BIG STYLE, and the D.A. helped the boys in blue circle the wagons. The quote about a "moment of danger" is double crap. But don't take my word...

This Gun Is Hot!

or at least warm. As per the Globe's Metro Desk, Boston police have a new gizmo to link perps with pieces: When the Bullard TI Commander camera is pointed at a recently discarded handgun, the...

To Kill A Mocking Bird: UK Debates Arming Police After Spree Killing. Or Not.

In the post-mortem examination of taxi driver Derrick Bird's shotgun spree-killing, the U.K. police have come under fire for not stopping the maniac's mayhem earlier. Why wouldn't they? In a society where even the...

SWAT Shoots Porn Star Steve Driver as He Jumps to his Death

1 Porno actor Stephen Clancy Hill (a.k.a. Steve Driver) jumped to his death, after an LA SWAT team chased him to a cliff. According to the passive construction loving, misplaced pronoun-wielding reporters at, Hill "went...

San Diego Sheriff Bill Gore: Concealed Carry Permit Holder Must Be “Specific Target”

San Diego Sheriff Bill Gore is up for re-election. In the run up to that blessed event, Sheriff Gore is facing mounting criticism for his department's extreme reluctance to issue concealed carry permits to...

Grey’s Anatomy Season Finale Guns Down Rivals; Why The SWAT Team Didn’t Take a...

1 Variety reports that Grey's Anatomy's season finale was a hit. The show wasn't as big a hit as last year's finale, but what do you want, blood? Well yes, obviously. Before I share...