FBI Releases 2009 Stats on 49 Agents Killed in the Line of Duty
The FBI emailed us the following press release, which reveals the starting fact that criminals killed two more agents than agents who died in unspecified accidents (49 vs. 47).
According to preliminary statistics released today...
Chicago Gun Buy-Back Program a Total Failure
The Chicago Sun-Times reports that the "Don't Kill a Dream, Save a Life Gun Turn-In" program collected more than 4,000 weapons yesterday. "Police say they gathered 55 assault weapons, 660 replica weapons, more than...
Winnipeg Police Can Now Carry Off-Duty in Civvies
The Winnipeg police have been busy defending the Long Gun Registry---against the wishes of both retired cops and Canadian gun owners. Both of whom see the Registry as intrusive, ineffective, onerous and expensive. Even...
Meggitt Training Systems Part I – SHOTT House
Commenting on a previous TTAG piece about confronting intruders in your home, reader MikeD shed some light on the immensely dangerous activity of clearing a building:
I work out with a large portion of my...
Victoria (AU) Police Switch from S&W .38 Revolvers to .40 M&Ps
I fired a .40 Caliber Smith & Wesson M&P last night. Alex, an EMT from Russia, carries one. He like very much the gun because is incredibly light, bullets aren't cheap, they rip terrific...
TASER XREP Is NOT A Shotgun Round. Per Se.
According to wbay.com, the Green Bay (WI) police are adopting the TASER XREP round. I didn't see anything wrong with their story. But then I don't work for TASER's PR department. Steve Tuttle does. What's...
Aussies Develop Segway Robots for Sniper Practice
This story practically writes itself, in that "a YouTube video is worth a thousand words but not one thin dime to the poster" sort of way. Here's something we didn't see coming. "The Segways...
New Mexico Concealed Carry Course (w/Gubernatorial Candidate Doug Turner)
"It's almost too easy," Doug Turner's instructor says, after New Mexico's republican gubernatorial candidate Doug Turner squeezes off a round with the Remington 700. "Almost," Turner replies. Ah, but the question is: are out...
Lexington Police Help Raise Home Invaders’ Chances of Success
While lowering the odds that children will accidentally kill, wound and/or maim themselves and others with unsupervised firearms. You pays your money . . . or not. "The Lexington police and the Fayette County...
“ATF Canine Handlers Train Mexican Law Enforcement”
The quote marks indicate that I didn't write that headline. Because that would be insulting to . . . someone. At the risk of racial profiling, I am aware that Mexicans have got that...
Off-duty Officer [not] Carjacked
As I stood up to get off the light rail this morning, I noticed this article over someone's shoulder:
DC officer carjacked - more to the story
A District of Columbia police officer whose service weapon...