Victoria (AU) Police Switch from S&W .38 Revolvers to .40 M&Ps

I fired a .40 Caliber Smith & Wesson M&P last night. Alex, an EMT from Russia, carries one. He like very much the gun because is incredibly light, bullets aren't cheap, they rip terrific...

TASER XREP Is NOT A Shotgun Round. Per Se.

According to, the Green Bay (WI) police are adopting the TASER XREP round. I didn't see anything wrong with their story. But then I don't work for TASER's PR department. Steve Tuttle does. What's...

Aussies Develop Segway Robots for Sniper Practice

0 This story practically writes itself, in that "a YouTube video is worth a thousand words but not one thin dime to the poster" sort of way. Here's something we didn't see coming. "The Segways...

New Mexico Concealed Carry Course (w/Gubernatorial Candidate Doug Turner)

0 "It's almost too easy," Doug Turner's instructor says, after New Mexico's republican gubernatorial candidate Doug Turner squeezes off a round with the Remington 700. "Almost," Turner replies. Ah, but the question is: are out...

Lexington Police Help Raise Home Invaders’ Chances of Success

While lowering the odds that children will accidentally kill, wound and/or maim themselves and others with unsupervised firearms. You pays your money . . . or not. "The Lexington police and the Fayette County...

“ATF Canine Handlers Train Mexican Law Enforcement”

The quote marks indicate that I didn't write that headline. Because that would be insulting to . . . someone. At the risk of racial profiling, I am aware that Mexicans have got that...

Off-duty Officer [not] Carjacked

As I stood up to get off the light rail this morning, I noticed this article over someone's shoulder: DC officer carjacked - more to the story A District of Columbia police officer whose service weapon...

Off-duty Officer Carjacked

I encountered this in the crime section of today's Baltimore Sun: Off-duty D.C. police officer carjacked. "The 44-year-old officer told police he was driving home on Harford Road and East 25th Street at about...

Pete Eliadis: “It’s Not Time to Arm Students and Teachers”

Pete Eliadis is's Mass Violence Incidents Contributor. Imagine handing that business card to your daughter's prospective private school headmaster. Still, someone's got to tackle the issues raised by spree killings and other large-scale...

The Other Side of the New Orleans Gun Confiscation Issue

8 When the New Orleans Police and Louisiana National Guard disarmed New Orleans citizens at the point of a gun (or a hundred), the news of the event reverberated throughout America's firearm fraternity like the...

New Orleans Cops’ Statement Describes Post-Katrina Massacre

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. MICHAEL HUNTER * * * FACTUAL BASIS If this matter were to go to trial, the Government would prove beyond a reasonable doubt, through the introduction of competent testimony and ...

Ottowa RCMP Hopes Heckler & Koch MP5s Are Better Than Before

Unlike most of the mainstream media goldfish, the has a long memory. Or excellent archives. Or a writer who can Google. The paper notes that the Ottowa RCMP's decision to deploy Heckler &...