From the Annals of Police Militarization: EPA Shuts Down MRAP Transfers

Not exactly gun but . . . TTAG reader RS writes: You may be interested to know that about two weeks ago the EPA notified DOD that ALL engine powered equipment transfers to ANYONE ANYWHERE was...

BREAKING: Militarized Missouri Police Go Rogue in Riots

406 Ferguson, Missouri was home to a fourth night of rioting following the shooting death of an unarmed African American. reports that the police arrested protesters and journalists alike. "Antonio French, a St. Louis...

The Officer-Involved Shooting and Police Response in Ferguson: A Law Enforcement Perspective

By Patrick Hayes I'm a Georgia Police officer with more than a few years of service under my belt. Unlike most of my colleagues, I've had riot training. But not much and not recently. Equally, my...

Wrong House Raid SWAT Team Shoots Family Dog “For No Reason”

"On June 18, Katti Putnam answered her door to find her home surrounded by police and a tactical team," the reports. "She was told they were looking for a fugitive, but as she...

GLOCKs, The Proper Focus: A Response to Bob Owens

 Bob Owens is my friend, a simple sentence I’m proud to be able to write. He gave me my start in blogging at the now defunct Confederate Yankee blog, and when Bob wanted to...

GLOCK 23s Falling Apart! Or Not . . .

"Dangerous defects were found on the guns that Bardstown Police Officers carry with them on a daily basis," reports. "Hairline fractures appeared on 12 guns, which were immediately taken out of commission. That’s...

Dan Baum: Why Don’t the Police Have Phasers Set to Stun Yet?

Dan Baum is one of America's greatest writers. While I disagreed with the pro-gun control editorializing in Gun Guys: A Road Trip  -- written in the immediate aftermath of the Sandy Hook massacre --  I can't recommend...

Forget to Call the Cops During a Home Invasion? Here’s What Can Happen

"The deadly confrontation happened just before 8 a.m. Saturday when the owner arrived to do some work for his business," Seattle's reports. "He noticed a window screen out in the yard and someone had...

13 Pulse Nightclub Victims Died During Three Hour Wait for Police Response

"Nearly half of those killed in the Pulse nightclub shooting died where they were dancing without a chance to react or run for help," reports. "Thirteen died in the bathrooms waiting for help...

Judge Orders Release of Marjory Stoneman Douglas Shooting Security Video

Proudly incompetent Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel has delayed, deflected and stonewalled ever since it became apparent that his deputies bungled the response to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre on Valentine's Day....

BREAKING: Video of Response to Parkland School Shooting Released

From the Miami Herald: "Citing “strong public interest,” a Broward judge last week ordered public release of the four video clips from the surveillance system at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High. The clips do not...
iowa town shoots feral cats

Iowa Town Freaks Out Over Cops Shooting Feral Cats

Stray cats -- the non-singing kind -- are just that. Someone's pet that slipped the surly bonds of domestication. Cities have ways of dealing with those, usually involving a shelter or pound and sometimes...