Self-Defense Tip for Hand Loaders: Write it Down!

In a recent post, TTAG scribe Benjamin T Shotzberger admitted to carrying hand loads in his self-defense gun. When the topic of roll-your-own for self-defense comes up, the most obvious concern: chances of being...

Long Gun Registry Stigmatizing Canadian Gun Owners

Those of us who have called for an end to the long-gun registry have often focussed on its cost — at least $2-billion — and its uselessness in stopping crime. But the greatest damage...

Chicago Area Cop Steals Turn-In Program Guns

Ever wonder what happens to all the guns collected in those highly publicized gun buy-back and turn-in programs?  Me too.  The usual party line is that they’re destroyed.  You know, for the safety of...

NM Police: FN P90 = Submachine Gun

10 Man holds up store with submachine gun:

Philly Open Carry Confrontation Follow-Up

Remember the YouTube video (well, audio really) of a guy open carrying in Philadelphia? RF wrote about it. The one where what sounds like half a precinct held the guy at gunpoint, telling...

Toronto Officer Can Protect Herself Against Stalker. No One Else.

Good news for one unidentified Toronto police officer. She's received clearance from Toronto police chief Bill Blair to carry her service gun off duty. It seems her former supervisor, Steve Izzet (above) has (allegedly)...

Self-Defense Tip: Embrace the Suck

Writing for, Val Van Brocklin reckons a cop's life sucks. I'm not saying Brocklin's supporting bullet points would convince a cop to put a bullet in his brain, but they sure don't sound...

Tucson SWAT Team Defends Shooting Iraq Vet 60 Times

36 On the other hand this, from a recent Force Science Institute email blast about an upcoming study: "You are confronting an armed suspect, no cover available. He faces you, with his gun at his...

FL Bail Bondsman Shot and Killed By Police

26 UPDATE: This morning, the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office said three bail bondsmen were trying to have a warrant served at an apartment in Mayfair Village. The men were wearing masks at the time. The masks are...

Three Reasons Why Constitutional Carry (No CCW Permit) is Not Insane

" Republicans are considering two versions of the concealed carry law," columnist Eugene Kane writes for, "which I would label thusly: There's the 'sane' bill and the 'insane' bill. The sane version - which I oppose...