Cook County Sheriff Wants to Dig Up Dirt on CCW Applicants

By John Boch Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart would be a petty, tyrannical dictator if given half a chance. Fortunately for the good people of Illinois, our government doesn’t allow this – and Tom Dart isn’t...

Incendiary Image of the Day: British Police Are Unarmed Edition

U.S. gun control advocates support the Second Amendment, but - they'd like to see all Americans disarmed. America would then becomes as "immune" to gun violence as the U.K. We've debunked that apples-to-oranges idea...

Aftermath of a Defensive Gun Use: A Law Enforcement Perspective

Sgt. Patrick Hayes writes: A recent TTAG thread dealt with the immediate aftermath of a defensive gun use. The responses ran the gamut from full cooperation with the police to saying nothing at all....

BREAKING: Video of Controversial Long Beach Police Shooting Emerges

114 "Deputies with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Compton division reported seeing security officers involved in a physical altercation with a suspect outside a Target store in the 1600 block of South Alameda Street...

Book Review: Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces

I finally finished reading Radley Balko's book, Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police Forces. RF did a brief preview of the book last year when it came out, but never got...

Housekeeping: Is TTAG [Still] Picking on Cops?

Once again, TTAG's taken some heat for featuring more than a few police officers in our Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day feature. Some commentators feel that law enforcement officers are over-represented, indicating an anti-cop bias. I've...

ATF Lacks Staff to Chase NICS Denials

The left gets its panties in a bunch whenever the right uses the term "jack-booted thugs." They think the expression reveals right-wing paranoia against an inherently beneficent government. Insurrectionism, domestic terrorism, etc. But seriously, the ATF are a bunch...

Self-Defense Tip: Don’t Keep Your Gun in the Glove Box

In this unusual Florida case, the two suspects attacked an armed citizen in his car, grabbed his gun and fled the scene. It all happened at a McDonald's drive-through at . . . wait for...

WA State Patrol: We Won’t Arrest Universal Background Check Protesters

We recently reported that Washington state gun owners are planning an act of civil disobedience. In defiance of the Evergreen State's freshly-minted Universal Background Check law - brought into being by a mid-term ballot initiative...

Who Is Coming To Save The Day?

With the terror attack on Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish deli in Paris, the inheritors of the benefits of the enlightenment in one of the seats of western civilization have been, reluctantly, forced to...

Memo to Police Facing ‘Green Tip’ Ammo: Use Polyethylene Armor with Lightweight Silicon Carbide...

The brouhaha over "green tip" M855 ammo would be funny if it wasn't. Despite the ATF's strategic withdrawal on their plans to ban the popular rifle ammo - in the face of enormous pro-ballistic blowback,...

Contest Entry: “L-Lincoln, L-Lincoln 5”

By Bud Harton After coming home from Vietnam, I became a patrol officer in a small department in the south suburbs of Chicago. Although having spent almost three years in heavy combat, I was way...