Gregory Paul Ulrich Clinic Shooting Minnesota

Police Issued MN Clinic Killer a Gun Purchase Permit Despite Restraining Order, Mental Incompetency

From the Associated Press . . . A man charged with murder in a shooting at a Minnesota medical clinic bought the handgun he used in the attack with a permit from the local police department, even...

Idaho Falls Resident Mistakenly Shot and Killed By Police While Searching For Fleeing Suspect

Police in Idaho are investigating themselves after they shot a homeowner who was armed with a pistol in his own back yard while searching for a criminal suspect. As of now, the bodycam footage...

Man Tries to Steal Pistol From CCW Classroom, Stabs Cop, Gets Shot 14 Times

Police in Las Vegas released video of the death of a would-be thief who tried to steal a handgun from a bag under a table in a concealed carry class. Marvin Payton then attacked...

‘They’re Framing Me’: Don’t Trust A Drug-Addled Lunatic [VIDEO]

Pittsburg, California police responded to an admittedly drug-addled man's call to 9-1-1 spouting all manner of nonsense including a report of an alleged kidnapping. It turns out that the man, 32-year-old Kerdell Lillard, made...

Miami Cops Hard at Work, Keeping Us All Safe

Miami Dade Police just love their Twitter page. They use it to keep the public up to speed on their activities. However, a recent post congratulating some of their officers on a drug bust...
Police officers red flag confiscation order

Former Cops: Doorbell Cameras Could Result in More No-Knock Police Warrants

By Terry Spencer, Associated Press The child pornography suspect who gunned down two South Florida FBI agents this week somehow knew exactly when they were approaching his apartment. Authorities are investigating whether he may have used...
Supreme Court

How the ‘Community Caretaking Exception’ Undermines Second and Fourth Amendment Rights

By John Velleco The Bill of Rights establishes express limitations on government power in areas where the Framers knew from history that governments were prone to invade the pre-existing, God-given rights of their citizens. At Gun...

Phoenix Police Bodycam Video Shows Rescue of Toddler Held Hostage [VIDEO]

Earlier this month, a Phoenix police officer fired a shot that took down a man with a gun who was holding a baby hostage. The incident began on the afternoon of January 9th in...
police training range shooting

Sending a ‘Peaceful, Lawful, Free-Market Political Message’ With a Police Ammo Sales Moratorium

The police certainly didn’t use any ammo to protect your neighbor’s small businesses from looters this summer, did they? And I don’t remember the cops using any of their ammo to oppose the unconstitutional...
fenix ammunition logo

Michigan Ammo Maker Fenix Ammunition Cited for Mask Mandate Non-Compliance

By William Shanahan of Mom at Arms Here we go again! The mask nazis are using local law enforcement to harass Fenix Ammunition over the manufacturer's non-compliance with Governor gretchn Whitmer’s executive order mandating mask...

The Chicago Mass Murder Spree You Didn’t Hear About

The Mainstream Media™ are increasingly selective about the stories they cover. In Chicago this past weekend, a lunatic went on a murder spree killing five and wounding several more. However, given that it didn't...

Vehicles As Weapons: Phoenix Police Shoot Man Attempting to Run Down His Girlfriend...

Some people just don't have the Christmas spirit. Others can get downright surly - or homicidal during the holidays. Just such a thing happened early on Christmas day as Phoenix cops say a man...