Michelle Lujan Grisham moms demand action

NM Governor: Sheriffs Should Enforce Red Flag Confiscations or Quit

Flanked by advocates for stricter gun control and supportive law enforcement officials at a signing ceremony, Lujan Grisham said the legislation provides law enforcement authorities with an urgently needed tool to deter...
Sheriff Alex Villanueva

LA County Sheriff Closes Gun Sellers, Then Backs Down Under Blowback, Cities Reopening Stores

Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva saw an opportunity yesterday and took it. Governor Gavin Newsom's stay-at-home order shutting down most businesses in the state didn't mention gun stores. Villanueva said he didn't like...
Detroit Police Chief James Craig

Why Americans are Buying Guns: Cops are Getting Sick, Departments are Stretched Thin

By Jake Bleiberg and Corey Williams, Associated Press More than a fifth of Detroit's police force is quarantined; two officers have died from coronavirus and at least 39 have tested positive, including the chief of...
defensive gun use

Philladelphia Cop Calls for Criminals to Stay Home During Pandemic

2 shootings in the 12th District today when people should be home! I really can’t comprehend what people don’t understand about this! Watch Netflix/tv/spend time with your loved ones. STAY HOME. Follow the directions...
rayshard brooks shooting wendy's

Atlanta Mayor Promises Police Use of Force Will Change After Rayshard Brooks Shooting

By Kate Brumback, AP Atlanta’s mayor is vowing to change police use-of-force policies and require that officers receive continuous training in how to deescalate situations before the consequences become fatal. Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms announced her...
toy ak-47 courtesy amazon

Sometimes Stupid Fixes Itself, With Near Tragic Consequences

Imagine this happened today. Then imagine one of these Rhodes scholars pointed a toy gun the wrong way and a cop had opened fire. One day I was with four friends, the same crew I...
Reno, Texas shooting

Two Cops Wounded, Another Hit in His Holster in Reno, Texas Shooting

https://nbcdfw.com/portableplayer/?CID=1:8:2404174&videoID=1762407491526&origin=nbcdfw.com&fullWidth=y Police officers from three agencies approached a home in Reno, Texas northwest of Fort Worth last night after a 911 call from a woman reporting a her son had a gun and was threatening...
scott israel

South Florida Sun Sentinel Newspaper Endorses Scott Israel for Broward County Sheriff…No, Really

The South Florida Sun Sentinal newspaper has done a lot of very good reporting over the years detailing the travesty -- the cascading series of failures at all levels -- that was the Parkland...
Houston Chief Art Acevedo

Houston’s Anti-Gun Police Chief Looking to Hire Officers Who Have Been ‘Defunded’

By Larry Keane Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo is rolling out the welcome mat to police frustrated with cities enacting “defund police” policies. Chief Acevedo is looking to fill 400 vacancies and he’s telling police...

DC Police Chief Comes After Gun-Toting Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert

Newly sworn-in Congresswoman Lauren Boebert has taken a strong stance in support of gun rights with her on her trip to Washington, DC. She proclaimed throughout the campaign and since her election of her...

New Zealand Police Neglect and Abuse Their Bushmaster Rifles

A report in today's Herald on Sunday attempts to link the New Zealand police's chronic neglect and wanton abuse of their Bushmaster rifles with the accidental shooting of teenager Halatau Naitoko. The paper makes...

Sacramento Sheriff on Gun Shop Robberies: “We Can’t Afford Extra Patrols”
